
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



This too shall pass. All the predictions, all the analysis, all the conjecture will eventually fade away. What we focus on expands. You choose each moment, and they all add up. Our biology feeds off a system. Each component complements the other. What you feed the system is what you produce. If you feed it nutrients and care, positive outcomes will arise as if by magic. If you feed it sugar and fear, you may find yourself spinning out. Pay attention to what goes in and what comes out, and make adjustments accordingly.



We all see the world in a different way. There is no such thing as complete objectivity. Through each of our perceptions, thoughts, and experiences, reality according to us changes. Despite how differently everyone sees reality, a strong current of connection unites us. This is something that we can’t explain but can feel. It’s our collective consciousness that we all tap in to, whether we know it or not. You as a human cannot escape it. Even if you wanted to or thought disconnecting would protect you. Everyone and everything is connected. Your choice is how you react to this. You can embrace this or run from it. Experiment with each to see which serves you best. You will know by how you feel. And that is all you have to know. And all anyone ever does. It’s as simple and complex as that.



Our self-made prisons are here and now. The news, the estimates, the analytics, the models are built for you to run to. For the mind, the choice seems easy. For the soul, not so much, as its story is much different. It’s one of resilience and heart. It’s one of compassion. It’s one of deep knowing. It’s one that cannot harm because it’s love itself. Your soul senses the inevitable shifts that are always occurring, and it will not buy into fear or separation. Step into the fear. Absorb its energy and let it lose its power over you. It is an illusion. Every label. Every story. Birth and death. All of it. For your soul is eternal and always has been. You can’t run away from something that is already here. 



Now what? Nobody knows. The stillness and the solitude. The words only in your head. The practice over and over again of letting go. The shifts in awareness leading the way forward. The standstill and the impatience evoking frustration and outburst. Your thoughts finding a way to be released. The awakening of small steps. The grappling of the beyond. Waiting for an end that exists. Listening to the vibrations of tranquility and grace. 



Trust your instincts and your training. Be willing to adjust if/when the situation calls for it. Call on your inner voice for guidance. You have power over your thoughts. You can’t stop them, but you can choose your response to them. For it is only you, the maker, who projects your reality. Once that changes, the world according to you does as well. Embrace the transient nature of existence. What matters is how you help and how you serve. That is everlasting.


Chip away

We don’t realize the subconscious need for human, face-to-face connection until it’s gone. Sit with this change. Don’t run away from it, don’t compartmentalize it, and don’t exaggerate it; instead, be with it. This is a chance to reckon with our illusions of control. It is OK to think something is amiss and feel our emotions related to that thought. Don’t deny them. Acknowledge them, then release them. Because they will not last. Our souls will request another way, and our bodies will follow along. We will begin to trust life. To trust we are built to flourish. To trust that our soul is our guide. That does not desire or grasp for anything. It is just love in action.

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