Your mind is an amazing instrument to use for your heart’s purpose. Understand this and you will understand everything. If you fail to use your mind for this purpose, it will trap you into a pattern you will not like. Because the mind will always find a system. It is designed that way. It’s best if you align it with what keeps your present. In other words, what brings you joy? What brings you bliss? That’s what your heart wants. Direct your mind to ideas and ways in which it can support that, and let everything else gently fall away. You will be on your path.
Sometimes you have to take a leap your mind is not ready to sign off on yet. It is a natural path we all face. It can overwhelm and it can hold you stagnant if you let it. You can overcome it by trusting the next small step. You don’t have to worry about the unseen outcome down the line. All you have to focus on is the next step that brings you progress. Once taken, another one will appear for you to take, and you will be on your way. Before long you will realize you took a leap but it did not feel like one due to the steady nature of the change.
Step outside your comfort zone from time to time. Embrace the weirdness that lies all around you. Everything is now on the table. It’s always been this way, but now it’s more and more in your face. It is the theatre of the absurd. To play this game you must not take yourself too seriously. Every time you do, realize the foolish errand of this request. Everything is so clean, but the energy is off. The human design is being questioned. Progress marches on.
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