Keep plugging away. There are no shortcuts. Each discovery builds the vision further. Keep the picture in your mind, but place no limitations on it. Appreciate the plateaus as you embrace the process. It will happen if you let it. Pay attention to your feelings; they will guide you along. Trust will grow stronger with each step taken.
The next moment is not scripted for you. It’s not predictable. You only think it is. To flow with it, first trust the process of creation. There is no right path; there is just a path. The purpose is the act. When you honor that and you create that, you cease longing for something greater. You are immersed in what is presented in front of you.
To lash out against yourself is counter-productive. You are just promoting suffering from within. You don’t have to make that choice. You don’t have to allow yourself to succumb to pain from disappointment. Instead, turn the outcome around and see what you can learn from it. You put yourself in this position, so now embrace the challenge of the moment instead of dwelling on the perceived failure in the past.
The energy is palpable. It’s hard to breathe. Something is off and you can’t place it. You investigate, and that just leads to more and more questions. In times like these remove yourself from the equation. Do this by leaving your own head. Your own concerns, your own thoughts, your own sadness. Take it four minutes at a time. Nothing lasts forever. The lines will start to disappear and manifest in the same instant.
If you see something in your life or in your thoughts as static, it is an illusion. It does not exist. Look around you. Everything evolves. To fight against that is a fool’s game. You are fighting for changeless outcomes, which will never happen. Such scenarios exist only in our minds. When you find yourself in the narrative of certainty and absolutes, take a step back and look at all the pieces in motion. There are many which you don’t see, and all of them transform.
Sometimes you are at loss for words. That’s OK. Everyone is from time to time. Be kind to yourself and others. We never know all the causes, we only know what happens. And often not even that. If you put your feet on the ground, you may feel the shift. Gradually and slowly we are being broken down. It’s the state of play. But the drumbeat of rebirth also keeps going. That is what it does. It does not ask and it does not wallow. It moves beyond space, time, and fear.
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