Sometime a dream or two in the dead of night will help fix an issue you have been pondering, with something special. Some see songs, wake up and immediately record. Some see novels, wake up, and write. Keep and eye out for what triggers you. It is your subconscious time traveling and focusing in, while your body rests. But your soul doesn’t. We all have this access if you think about it. You just have to stay out of the way.
Don’t let the con men win. Let them play their silly games for they don’t affect you. Or if they do, they don’t serve you, so let it go. They only want to serve themselves so it will ring hollow. You don’t have to buy in. Embrace the opposite. Serve others and sing a different tune. Set your sights high and bring people with you instead of taking them down. Use your authentic swing and voice of which you will have found from within.
They surround you and flow through you. When you try to fight them you feel stuck. When you go with them everything comes together seamlessly. You have to accept it how it is for you can’t change it, until you can. For the path to solidarity and forgiveness lies in this or does not, it’s up to you. Through focus and dedication you can learn to understand your patterns, and what levers you can pull.
Change the story. It’s just a figment of our imagination. You have a choice in how you come to terms with it. So often we tell the story of what was passed down to us, or what we have heard from others as they reckoned with it. Go within and discover what is true and then focus on that one. Give thanks to the one that took you this far, but realize that now, it may be time to let it go.
Arm yourself with knowledge and tools at all costs. They are your lifelines. One stack’s on top of another and the more you build the more resilient you become. Soon enough you will start to achieve things bigger than yourself, or what you first envisioned. That is the natural order of things. From awareness, comes peace and purposeful movement toward the greater good.
It’s never enough. Lurching forward to gain ground where none was lost. Don’t get sucked in. It will eat you alive. Be kind and be real. That is all you can do. It’s the way it has to be for it to move forward. Around and around it will go. But you really don’t own anything. Embrace the peace of it. For it will suffice now and again.
The desire for outside validation is always around us. We are constantly inundated by what we may not have or think we need. It’s all a mirage you have to train yourself to see through. The advertising and in your face nature of commerce and capitulation makes it so. The so-called fear of missing out is just in your mind. The top 10 lists exist for those that make them. They do not exist for you because they have already changed by the time you read about them. Use them as guide posts, not truths. When your not chasing someone else’s dream you can live your own.
Be careful of focusing too much on the end destination. It can cause you to the miss the pass less taken, which is usually the one that lights you up. If you give into the part of you that wants to complete something just to complete it, when you are there it will ring hollow to you. The trick seems to let go of the result and allow it to take shape around you, not through you.
The paradigm can be shifted. You just have to opt out of the red tape. It seems impossible at first but it’s actually easier than you think. You just have to trust it and express gratitude throughout. Then observe the sacred cows disappear. You have just destroyed their power and control over you. You can be free as intended and designed. All others can benefit from it. In ways you never see but can exist.
You remove on thing and five new items emerge. Try to make due with what you have. It’s more than enough. Eliminate to illuminate. It’s what our minds have been shaped from so it keeps them focused and creative. And that sets a pattern of calm waters. From this place you can better serve.
If you want to slay the beast you must take a stand. In something that may not be popular, but needed. In something that places you out on a limb, that could easily break under you. In something that people can aspire to and be curious about. But make the commitment and stand by it. Everything will change but the tenants will remain the same. And if you stick to it the world will come to you. Just keep the faith and trust life. You may be surprised where you’ll end up.
Primed up and ready to go. Energy is the constant. The laughing budda revels in it. The poet drowns in it, and the seeker is enraptured by it. Creating it, discovering it, and accessing it in what ever you choose to do. There comes a point in your life when you realize you are doing it all to yourself. You make the choices. To often we cover up thoughts of vulnerability through wine and song. Only to realize there is no need too, because none of us are unique and we are all sharing the same story. It’s how we evolved.
Focus on what you want and don’t waver. Determine what it will feel like to have this and zero in on it. There is a type of magic in us that makes it happen. It’s not about you, it is just channeling through you. So go with it and stop worrying. Be grateful and own it. We are all connected so respect and honor the foundation. When it cracks repair it as best you can, and move on. Fortify and be curious at all times. Don’t push but allow goodness in. It’s everywhere if you look for it.
The ego is a powerful force. It can move mountains and change lives. But left unchecked in can run wild and transmutate into something uncontrolled, and uncanny. So it’s important to keep tabs on it. Attempt to direct it to a purpose of enlightenment and solidarity. Or better yet, move beyond it completely. You then can attempt to avoid the disease of more. It is a daily battle, but if you do, you will experience a feeling of calm and certainty, a place where you can help elicit real change and advances.
Sometimes it’s important to ask yourself who cares in the long run? What are you trying to protect? We are mere vessels so go ahead and put it out there. Create, educate and translate. Rest assured you will feel the energy of judgment and discomfort but sit with it. Because nobody really cares and if they do, something will take its place rapidly. It won’t stick. So do what you do and move on with it. Don’t worry about protecting your brand. It’s a false front.
To get something over the finish line you have to be willing to focus in on the target. Especially if has hit the final roadblock that is preventing it from moving. It can be as simple as devoting thoughts and energy in avenues not previously explored. But do the brainstorming required to push it forward. The easiest path is usually the correct one. Remove past thoughts of how you thought it would go.