
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality


Level up

To see others doing it makes it attainable for all.  It’s about another iteration.  So go ahead and give it a whirl.  What’s the worst that could happen?  Accept that you will change and go with it.  If you don’t you will be needlessly fighting against a current that should be helping you.  People in your life may react to this now and again.  Let them and try not to take offense.  They are often seeing you in the past and trying to protect you.  But trust the process, and if they love you, which they do, they will be right along side you.  Further if you let your guard down, you will feel their support wash over.  And you may inspire them to step out as well.  That maybe how we all nudge each other further along if you think about it.