It can provide mental, spiritual and physical healing. It has been used for centuries as a way to wring out the toxins that inevitably build up in our day-to-day lives. Although you’re constantly sweating, you just don’t notice it because the cells absorb the liquid before it surfaces on the skin. However, in high sweat production situations such as exercise, physical labor, or heat, the cells don’t have the time to reabsorb it. So excess chemicals have a chance to leave the body, which can then re-balance. Harmony in life reflects this internal unison of the body, so you will feel good when sweat has a chance to escape and recalibrate. As in everything else, pay attention and replenish your body as needed. You will be rewarded.
Be aware and diligent of checking in. With your health, wealth and purpose. With so many different channels overwhelming our circuits daily, it’s important to take stock from time to time on the direction you’re headed, and if you want to continue down that path. There are countless ways to do this, but you have to figure out the best way for you. When you do, your truth will emerge from the shadows. But it will not appear to you if you never check in. As you do you, will gain more and more confidence in what feels correct to you, while releasing what does not. It will be a feeling of peace and certainty that will be undeniable.
Each of us has our own concerns and assumptions that will surface when were vulnerable, but that’s natural. Realize these are your perceptions and nobody else’s. So you can make the choice to not be controlled by them. Tell your story the truest way you know how and then let go of the outcome. Keep putting it out there without expecting anything in return. Some people will want you to change because it fits their impression better. Or serves their agenda. Accept this as their understanding but don’t let it bleed into your own, if it does not serve you. Stand tall and do the work. Deflect the shots as they come up.
It all starts with a community. We have been evolving this way forever. There is something about the face-to-face nature of communication that we naturally excel at. Since we all see the world differently this is our common thread that we can manage too. Cities are built, projects are completed, and outdated systems are overturned. This collective power is built from the foundation of real people doing real things. Instead of being housed in a two-dimensional screen, it’s a living breathing accountable collation that acts.
Time is just in your head. Be careful of being emotionally controlled by it. It builds expectations and frustrations if you let it. Everything happens when it happens. You have no real control over it. You will find when you don’t focus on it, everything is done when it’s supposed to be done. The less you worry about it, the more things seem to fall into place. Try it out, and see what happens.
People seem to talk too much. They go on and on about their desires and their struggles while forgetting to cherish the here and now. As they yammer away they slowly build the cage of doubt and insecurity around them, until it traps them in a static prison of their own making. This barrage will add up and they will start to believe what they say. Which are doubts built on falsehoods of their own construction. Be mindful of this display to your being. Instead be kind to yourself and to your hopes and dreams. If you speak of them, put them in a positive light. This power is yours to access, and moderation and compassion will lead you to it.
Get back at it. Learn from your mistakes and take the challenge again and again. Each time you do you will only be closer and closer to your end goal. It’s short choppy steps but they add up in the long run. Others may see this as magic but it’s not so. Everyone has this capacity if they choose to do so, because you can author your own reality. Just try it a couple of times. You will be surprised how often you do, and things fall into place as they should.
Everyone has them. Where do they come from and which do you listen to? The first step is to be aware of them. The second step is to investigate them to identify where they may be coming from. The third step is accepting them. The forth step is moving through them. The fifth step is taking action on the ones that won’t go away. Especially the loud pushy ones that are constantly self-justifying themselves into a condition they want to see. Often times this is a misdirected attempt to help that does do so in the long run. So quiet them with some type of mediation and relaxation. From there will emerge some quieter ones. These are something to ponder and sit with. They come from a different place than your experiences and your knowledge. You will be motivated to learn and grow with them until you transmute them into ideas that serve you and others.
Move against tendency and set a new pattern to see what emerges. Our experience seems to predicate the next move, but often times this is false information. We are wired to think we know the future, but we really have little control of how something is going to proceed. The control we do have is to recognize we don’t have it. So where does this put us? What inner voices should we tap into? One way is to be focused and aware of who is saying what and to whom.
Sometimes you have to go back to the basics to re-learn a skill. Or attempt something new. You have to embrace the starting point. You are now a beginner again with great leaps in front of you. Stay present and release the past. Be grateful that it took you to this point, but it’s time to go to another level. The only way to move forward is to let go and move through the moment. Again and again. After sometime, the struggle fades away and is replaced by confidence and awareness of the new paradigm.
When situations are not aligning for you, take a deep breath and reformulate the plan. Or the plan that you think will happen, even though you’re not sure what will. You still have your agency and your direction. No matter what actually occurs. Eliminate the noise and focus in to reflect out what you want to see. Often times this resides in switching the momentum for a bit. You have removed yourself from the result so peace will eventually appear. The side product is the action itself.
Be cozy and be loved. You don’t have to justify it, you don’t have to seek it, and you don’t have to wonder how to receive it. It’s all around you if you choose to accept it. Train yourself to be aware of your surroundings and in tangent with the world. It is constantly moving especially when you think it’s still. So what keeps you from doing what you want to do? What force says no? Is it just an ego that needs to be fed? Recognize the rigged game you yourself will create in an attempt to make life easier, only making it more difficult. Move beyond your default network, into a space that is not quite so rigid. This is a ride, and it’s always has been one. Enjoy it.
They can or can’t accept you. You have no bearing of when, or if they ever will. So go ahead and proceed according to your inner guidance. That’s all you can do if you think about it. Some of it will resonate and some of it won’t. But you will be in the arena. Which is better than thinking about it. Energy lives in action. The more you put out there, unfiltered, and raw the more you uncover what you were born to do. It’s not rocket science.
Don’t live in the past, but appreciate it. Try to imagine what you were feeling and possibly fearing, and then look where you are today. It never even existed but it propelled you to your current space. So honor the memory but do not fixate on it. Bring awareness to the moments and what it took, and did not take, to sit where you sit. Realize it has no bearing on your future unless you want it too. It’s what makes us unique, this ability to gaze backward for brief moments of reflection. Use it as a tool not a crutch. Promote the joy.
Less thinking. Less doing what you think you should do because others are doing it. Less sitting around in your head. Less forced preparation. Less work. Less struggle. Less expectations. Less pressure. Less control. Less fear.
More in the flow. More movement. More joy. More spontaneity. More creativity. More bliss. More awe. More happy. More peace. More appreciation. More gratitude. More love. More light. More awareness. More detachment. More acceptance.
Take away the crowd noise, the announcers jabbering incessantly, and the bells and whistles. What is left is kids running up and down a court playing a game. From the birds eye view they all look the same height, and the angles are different and subtle. There is less chaos and more art. It’s just a pick up game. Entire industries are being built around a silly little dance. The old mode is competition and domination. The wins only fuel more desire, and the losses are crushing. The ego does not relent. The negative thoughts will build and build if you don’t watch for them. Let them pass through and move on.
The youth are the concentrate ready to mixed. They realize what’s going on they just need the right tools. While their experience is so different from ours, they live in the wake of what has been created. They want a different way, but they don’t have the confidence to take it. That is where you step in. You take them down a road of discovery and transformation that you experienced. We don’t need any more office workers or new widgets. We need community, and we need involvement. They may not understand at first, but they will, just keep tapping them on the shoulder, knowing it will be their time soon enough. You may learn something about yourself while doing so.
Move inward to find the next step. Face to face communication is freedom. The infinite war surrounds all of us, everywhere. Like the incessant kick drum of degradation and hyperbole masked as entertainment and catharsis. What good does it bring to anyone? Who does it serve and why is that important to us? Instead of constantly building newer and newer versions, what’s wrong with reviving something already standing. How many times do you have to be told something before you believe it? What good is the chase when there is nothing to catch.