Each day is a new day. Each day is a new opportunity. Each day is all we ever have. If you find yourself waiting around, confined to one area, or suspended in your thoughts, you can recalibrate. Reinforce what you know is your true path. Do not get tied up in the weeds thinking your way through the day. Act and let it happen before you.
Don’t let others’ negative energy bring you down to their level. Own your own stuff. Take control over your own mind. At least let the parts that don’t serve you go. You are in transition; expect it to take time. Practice patience and discipline. It is a slow burn. Go easy on yourself because you don’t know all the answers. Take the time to investigate then act in a positive manner.
You know nothing when it comes to other people’s relationships. So often we think we know what’s really going on or what’s best for someone other than ourselves. We think that because we are treated one way, all others must be the same way. If it’s easy for us, it should be easy for all. That is completely wrong. You can’t read minds. You can’t weigh what anyone else has or does not have. You can’t solve their problems. You can only offer your compassion and your attention. Those are enough.
So often we tend to blame others for habits we don’t like in ourselves. Notice that those habits are not them and they are not you. We learned them. Because we learned them, we can un-learn them as well. To do this, become aware of your surroundings and projections. This will mean examining everything you think you know. Which, when you start whittling it down to bone, is not much. Don’t worry … this is our shared human condition. We tend to over-complicate. You can re-set. Begin to take ownership and start visualizing for the highest good of all.
So much of your life is spent to please others and to align to the limiting beliefs that you believe make you safe. You see examples of folks who don’t buy into this. And you admire them. Because they seem to be swimming without a safety net. In reality, they are not in danger at all. They are living their life freely. They do not try to crowd source to see what they should be doing. They instead move with a natural flow. You can do this, too. It’s just as simple as pursing your next step.
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