
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality


Break it down

Simplicity cut with complexity creates perfection. Those systems that appear complex on the outside but are simple to run and execute are the most effective. Design simple systems. No wasted motion and no unnecessary steps, just pure execution and relentless dogmatic purpose. If you don’t know why you are doing something break it down to the components and see if aligns to your best. Then act. Don’t delay don’t pontificate, trust in yourself and your system and go out seeking. The by product that is produced will shock you. Counter point if something is overly complicated it is usually rotten to the core. Or hiding something they will remain unexposed to you. Break it down to its components, and examine each one. If you don’t like it remove yourself if possible. Or find a way to move past it. 


Sugar Rush

Watched a video comparing the developing Internet to a developing baby’s brain. Like a baby the Internet can cause you to spaz out. A sugar rush so to speak.  It’s like giving a lollipop to a kid. One side in hate and one side in pride, all sides in another dimension. That’s why its good to level out, and ignore this character. It’s toxic and keeps you in your self made prison. Venture out, it’s not as bad as they say it is out there. Emotion controls content.


Cyber Monday

Another day to stoke the fires of people thinking they need something cheap they may miss out it. Only to realize it will be collecting dust a couple months down the line. Do not believe the hype. You control what makes you happy not another item on sale. You view the world from you own prism and your own experiences. It’s not for a discount.


A recount

Sorry ladies what is done is done. It should not have been close. Own it. Or change the system. Those who keep fixating on the past are doomed to live in it. The only way to go is forward. Step by step and inch by inch. Attacking the present with abandon and leaving the future in your wake. The battle is lost but war can still be won. You just have to look around you. To lament the tactics is a disservice to those who perished and sacrificed. The pendulum will turn but you have to be in a place to accept and recognize it.


The old man passes

His revolution was won in his mind. It still reverberates across the land. He was a sworn enemy to some, and a savior to others looking for a path to a particular truth. Now the gates of commerce will swing open and will pounce. The history will be no more. Bright empty signs of progress will expand dilapidated structures and crumbling infrastructure. Casinos will open and beaches will be taken.


Could, Can, Would, Should

What good are any of these words, and why would a news organization use them. To stoke the us vs them narrative that they think will bring some kind of meaning to our lives. People should realize we are all pretty much on the same side of things. We believe in self-determination, cooperation and resilience. Everything else is just window dressing. Made up lies to divide instead of unite. Soft targets fed by a pitchman wanting control. But you don’t have to succumb to it. You create how you want to live and how you want it to affect you. You decide what you want to invest in. Time, energy, or suffering, it is your choice.



Popularity does not always get you the win. It’s deeper than that. The game now is all about persuasion and soft manipulation. We have evolved to this point, and those that do not accept the new rules will wonder how they were passed by. It is not important to be liked when you are notorious. Each brings power while the latter brings servitude. We must recognize this game in front of us so we can see what’s really going down. This is a new age and you must be more aware of it than ever before. Can you flip it around? Can you see what it is for it is. That is the challenge. We all serve our own constructed reality so we all suffer how we want to suffer. Goodness is in effort. It always has. Effort to do something greater than you’re current needs, greater than your current desires. Often to help someone else who sees the world and the situation completely different than you.


Amped up

The media is reaching. Now more than ever. Not sure if it’s to sell adds or sell clicks but it seems to ring more and more hollow. I am not sure how you escape it. Everything is amped up and with a furious bent angle applied. It’s a sense we are hurling to our doom but you can't buy in. Emotions are leading and the blind men will see clearly.


Flying blind

Your mind continues to play tricks on you. You will relate past experiences with present ones that you think match up but are totally and completely different. You are essentially flying blind as they say.  It does help to do things over and over but you cannot be complacent because everything changes.


Action over memes

Had too many drinks last night and my body is making me pay for it. There are no free lunches in life. You get out what you put in. Can you hate, hate? It does not work does it? Because you end up becoming what you are protesting against, which inflames the cycle further. If you want to protest, protest something specific. Getting a sidewalk built. Getting a food shelter opened. Action over memes. When you protest the fact someone is protesting something you do not agree with, nothing comes of it. You just get more upset that nothing has changed and become the direct issue that brought you to them in the first place. The true protest would be to ignore them. Let them shout themselves silly and do not engage. If they don’t get a reaction they will leave. Because they will be out of our consciousness and they will know it.



The greatest thing life can offer you is the ability to re-set. If you think about it, each day you have a choice to live a different way if you choose. Eat different foods, meet different people, think new thoughts, act in a different way. It is total freedom. And if at the end of the day it does not leave you in the direction you want. Wake up the next day and course correct. AB testing is what humans are good at and we should continue to do so. I am so grateful for this opportunity and want to spread it around.


The new normal

Be careful of sinking into it. It’s an illusion. The only path you can rely on is your own. Never forget that. The key for happiness is make sure that the path you choose helps others. And in turn that will help you. The path dictated for you is always false and will leave you fighting. Don’t fight it. Let it happen how it’s supposed to happen. The news is trying to dictate. Don’t let it. Don’t accept it. Don’t buy into it. Instead of reporting what did happen they report what could happen. It’s insidious and a figment of their imagination. It does not exist in the real. And will drive you insane if you let it. Remove yourself from this. Or as you consume it, take it for what it is, which is a false world built on fear and anxiety contributing nothing, until after the fact. It is an incessant echo chamber amplifying madness and built to extract fear and ratings. It contributes nothing for anyone. Know this and move beyond it. I used to believe reading the news kept you informed and it does but it does something else. It keeps you paralyzed if you let it.


The status quo will always be shattered

Pieces are laying everywhere. Some jagged and sharp some round and obtuse but the genie is out of the bottle. Where it goes, is up to us little do you know. We the people. Those three words changed the world and rest assured they will change it again. We cannot rely on anyone to build it. We have to create it each moment and do it for ourselves. We dig out. Because that’s what humanity does. We do not get sucked into rabbit holes of conjecture and rumors. We do not imagine worst case scenarios fed by a hyperbolic media looking for ratings and validation. We choose to not be led down a path we know will get use nowhere. We choose another way. We start wearing purple. We opt out of toxic people and situations. And help others by finding a way.


The day after

We are all held accountable. The vitriol that consumed us led to this. The technology that we designed spread it. The food we ate numbing our brains allowed it. The violence we fetish and honor engorged it. We will now reap what we sow. If there is a way out, it’s in us we just have to listen to it. It is in a place nobody can access. Nobody is going to tell you or show it to you. But it’s there. Because the one thing this taught us is to not believe anything you read. Question everything because nobody knows anything. I feel the fear and loathing. It’s the creeping feeling that is surrounding us and will choke us if we do not fight back. To do so is to become better individuals that help others. That is the only answer and the only path forward. Take a look at what is in front of you at all times and make choices that benefit yourself and others. Period.


The day before

The day before the election or I say the turning point, because there is no going back now. We move in all the way. Regardless of outcome we own this. We stand in its shadow and world watches and waits. The choice is ours to make to see through the madness and grasp our human potential. Because that’s all you ever had. The ability to do things little by little and to help. Or destroy. There is always the flip side of the coin that seems appealing but leaves you lost looking further down the drain. This election does not define us, it melded us to opposite extremes. It is up to the individuals to not get sucked in either direction