Never gaze to far into the future. You will find yourself building a life that is not yours yet. Trust it to flow as it should. Through heartache and through joy never doubt it is serving you and therefore you it. You can take certain steps to practice this over and over. But realize there are unexplained things that happen everyday to everyone. You are not immune to it. Respect the process. Cherish each moment as you can. Then let go of controlling it.
Don’t be fooled. The news are not tweets. Tweets are gossip. If the news does not report the tweets they do not exist. But yet they do. They do because they think they have too, but they really don’t. The darkside of humanity is gossip. And we are breeding it exponentially. That is why you feel unease and trepidation. But it’s all false.
Video game consoles are sold out. Everyone seems to be reaching for an alternate reality that they can inject into their heads. But you don’t need a new game to tap into a new projection. That happens regardless, so you may as well take an active stance instead of a passive one. It will get you better results. You can attempt to exert some influence instead of letting it take ownership over you.
The negative energy will surround you if you let it. Look for ways to fight against it. Don’t get sucked in. Remain strong and steadfast and know in your heart you will come out of it on top. Let the others worry if they must because it’s natural. What you are attempting is not. That’s what makes it so tricky. Keep at it and see where you can take it.
Take small steps that add up to grand ones. Push the rock forward. Think in a positive slant. If a negative thought comes in, accept it and move on. Don’t dwell on it. Pretty soon you will have something to look at and build toward. Find what gives you satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment and keep working toward that. Leave everything else on the sideline.
It can turn on a dime. One phrase, one disappointment and you find yourself in another dimension. Don’t buy into it. The first level was false so this level is too. All reactions are just that. Take solace in the fact next time will be better. And if you think about that, it will be.
The big divide. It becomes larger and larger everyday. Those that are taken care of, and those that are not. Or is it. It could all be in your head. We are all in the same place. Nobody can separate, as much as they try to do so. The more you attempt the more you will fail at it. Competition is all in the mind and mind alone. Move beyond it. And welcome the space that is filled up.
The skeletons are being released. We all have them. Now we wait to see what comes of it. The reflection can be blinding to the true issue at hand. Don’t become bulldozed. Seek higher ground, or suffer fools grandly. Remember everyone is just trying to figure it out. Until they show themselves for who they really are. Nothing should surprise you.
Sometimes you have to wade through it. Don’t beat yourself up just get to another morning. And start again. Learn how to manage it for yourself with as minimal impact on others as possible. It’s out of respect and admiration for the human condition. Don’t force it and don’t buy into what others say. You alone must pull through it. And rest assured, you will.
These are the essential ingredients to life. You can’t go wrong. If you meld them together, you are a superhero to all those around you. Test it out for yourself. And look what happens as the world changes. You are directly effecting what is in front of you and giving back. It’s the only way to go.
Sometimes your consciousness will release things you don’t even know it’s releasing. When you become aware that is gone, just accept it. Don’t try to mull over it or wish for more. It is what it is. We are all constantly changing and if you are not you will feel stuck. That’s not our natural state. Movement and change is. But society will think that is not the case and use tricks and illusions to keep you standing and sitting instead. Attempt to break through daily to access. It is the real key system.
Time abundance is just as good or if not better as monetary abundance. But you have to choose to value it. Freedom to do what you want when you want to do it is priceless. Attempt to wade your way into this and see the results for yourself. Let go of the attachment and you will find the monetary portion keeping pace along side of it
Compliments never satisfy, so one should never seek them. If they come to you accept them but never get attached to them. Or crave them. They have about as much validity as scolding. Which is also something you should never attach yourself too. If you do so you will not suffer needlessly. Keep you focus on this.
I read in the paper today that consumers spent more money on cars, clothes and furniture than anything else this year. And the majority never received a raise. Think about that for a bit. Those two don’t seem like they should go together at first glance but yet they do. It seems to me we think we need to buy those superfluous items because we are unhappy. We are unhappy because we think we are stuck at a job that provides no raises and no challenge. In an attempt to feel satisfied we think we need to buy a new car, a new outfit or new couch to sit on. We don’t. You can opt out of the whole cycle and be free. You have that choice. You are not here to wallow in a job you hate or does not enliven you. You are here to be free and grow. And help others along the way.
Take a break now and then from the grind. Step back and assess. For however long it takes to do so. Then re-engage on a higher plane. A place where your ego is not so much involved and where your mind is calm and focused on what it is doing. The work may or may not change but the perspective and the outcome does. But you have to step out to see it this way. You can’t do the internal work with the same external inputs slamming into you day after day. Look at the big picture. Lose the battle to win the war.
All aboard. We are all in this together. Which is the only way it should be when you think about it. Anytime you are at roadblock, circle around and check with your people. You may be surprised of what you think needs to be one way can easily be another. And the roadblock is really just a blind spot because you are trying to take it all on. You are never alone. Realize this and use it to your advantage.
Dial it in. Practice over and over until it becomes normalized. The results will begin to show up as if by surprise. That is the fun part. But they did not show up out of thin air. They came in tiny steps that you could not see but are here now. So relax and take the success in. Realize you have worked for it, it has not come overnight but be grateful it is here. Then build on it.
Be kind to yourself. It’s so obvious and simple but it’s not. In a world where you are constantly being bombarded with images of what you lack but may aspire too, there is a sense we need the something else to feel whole. It’s an illusion. When they say you are enough, their right. The problem is we don’t see it. That’s why we need to keep whispering it to ourselves. Be kind. Let the chips fall where they fall. And do the work. You will be surprised the way things start to turn in your favor.
Usually people hide in plain sight. They want to let you in on what they do; you just have to read through the lines. Sometimes you many not like what you see, so you choose to dismiss it. Or other times you create your own narrative. You have to take people at their actions and go from there. Don’t judge but don’t buy into their spells either.
Timeless art. You know when you see it. You know when you hear it. It’s a creation that lasts through era’s and when reimagined connects us back and forward at the same moment. Try to surround yourself with this whenever possible. Cultivate and examine it to deepen the understanding of the world around you. It will provide you with a sense of wonder and engagement in the now.
Out of sight and out of mind. Plans come and go. Stocks are being propped up by war games. Take a look at what supplies your dopamine these days. It used to be static items like books, newspapers, television and radio. Things you could turn off or put down easily. Now it’s social media and hand held technology that is so seamless you don’t even know it’s there. It will never turn off unless you fully disconnect. All the sacred cows are being torn down and shoved in front of you over and over again. Because they have to have content, content that gives us the necessary hits and keeps us on the train. It’s a pattern that keeps repeating and going to more extremes. The challenge is to find dopamine other ways. By creating something, helping someone, exercising your body, completing a task, and eating nourishing foods to name a few. Take baby steps.
You can go down a rabbit hole but is it for the good or bad of the situation. As soon as you do, distractions will pop up around you. Be cognizant of this as you make your way forward. Your time is valuable so you should stick to situations that benefit you and others the most. Treat each task as a discovery.
Be careful of all the pats on the back. It’s just the egos talking, for that’s what they do. The end is never the end. It’s only a beginning. Once you align with this, that nothing is ever good or bad in the long run. Not to say you should dismiss progress. By all means welcome it, but don’t gloat in it. That’s where blindness will arise and needless suffering down the line will occur because you have built something up in your mind. Keep it free.
Where does it all fit? That is the mystery for you to discover. You never know until you know. Then it appears in front of you even though it has been there all the time. When it finally makes itself known embrace it, and don’t look back. It will do you no good to dwell on it. Just be grateful.
It’s all about mixing it up. You never know how it’s going to go. The anticipated fun does not live up to the past hype. We can never go back because that does not exist anymore. It was once in a lifetime. Now you must focus on your current situation. Embrace and enjoy the new challenges. Don’t go looking for wormholes of projected fallacies. You can’t chase. It eventually surrounds you. Celebrate the little victories and expand your focus.
Two rivals sitting at the same table side by side, exchanging info and mindshare. It does not matter what team you are on. We are all in this together. As soon as you recognize this life becomes infinitely easier and more in the flow. Because that’s the way it naturally wants to divert. It’s your pride that thinks otherwise. Don’t buy into that. It will get you nowhere. It may provide the illusion that you are moving but you will be standing still. The only path forward is detached cooperation.
Swing by and get your drive through shot in your arm. Because someone said you need it. You don’t have time to think or ponder. That TPS report will not take care of itself. And you don’t want to be sick. The thing is your body is equipped to fight it without this imposition. But you have to provide it the space to do this. You cannot cram it with items that stun it, poison it, and butcher it. There is no free lunch. You get out what you put in. Feed it real nutrients, stand back, and watch it go.
But what does it say? It’s all opinion pieces at this point. Nobody can just present the actual facts so you can make a choice. Because I guess there is not any available. Or they are just bland statements that do not add up. Nobody knows anything. Ingest this and sit with it. Then begin to create your own. Create it from being present and mindful of yourself and others. Create them in attempt to change a situation you see as not whole. Then take the micro steps to do it.