He will wield the big fat pen and happily sign. From gold plated buildings to executive orders this is what he lives for. We all sit there stunned. We created this and now we watch it happen. Learn from him. It’s the only way. If you do not drive you will never like where you end up. So suck it up. We need more good ones, more considerate ones, and more thoughtful ones to lead. Everyone has the capacity. Just trust it.
Your body will adjust. You just have to have your mind go along with the plan. Which is easier said than done, but doable. The music will talk us through it. The guns will be silenced with simple unconditional love. We have to collectively believe it and it will happen. It’s provided us with a mirror into ourselves so we must take advantage of it. Or be swallowed up. Change the words we speak and change the situation. The unclouded sky awaits. Let it unfold.
Check in and check in some more. Check in with yourself, with others, with your situation and with your projects and dreams. Since nobody is going to pay attention you need to. Do not take it personal and do not get frustrated. It’s all part of the process. Always check in. It will move it along. Bit by bit. Even if you think you are not getting anywhere, it’s not true. Everything changes and will evolve. It’s our advantage against stagnation. So use it.
Recognize the limit on tangible items. There is always a point where you should dial back a bit and take your time. Usually there is a natural governor built in, that won’t let you take them over the line. Realize it’s there for a reason and play off it. Don’t get emotionally tied to anything that is not real. You will be chasing something that you will never catch. See things as they are not as you wish them to be because they are one in the same. If you don’t like what you see, change the ask.
Will it. Complete. Just with focus and persistence and you will get there. What ever it is, it will be. Focus on a system and repeat over and over. Don’t worry, you won’t get bored because it will never be the same. Just the fact you are progressing will be a sense of momentum. It’s the hidden work that moves things. The stuff you don’t see, but adds up in the end.
Learn from others. How they manipulate their environment, and what they do. See how it relates to your own vision. Then implement certain items as you move along. Suddenly you will find yourself learning and growing and attaining what you want to attain. They are your guides, so use them. Don’t fight them and don’t join them. Create a place for yourself among them.
Ride the wave when it’s going. Don’t worry about falling off because you will. Too much happens around you. But ride it as far as you can. Then catch a new one. Always look for one because they are out there, but sometimes hard to see. Sometimes you are too busy living someone else’s life to notice. But you can catch it and when you do it will be effortless.
Everyone has his or her own viewpoint, because everyone has his or her own reality. Accept this as the truth, and life will be much easier. More important respect their realities but never cater to them. Focus your energy on the one you have to create. And from this you will prosper. And others will have a chance to grow and co-exist along side of it.
Could it be just the food? What you put into your body each day and night. It’s so simple yet so complex, because we make it so. Each choice seems to be bouncing off each other in a daisy chain of events of cause and effect. If you can select this you can select your life. Or what you think life should be. Who is to say? Know this, you always have a choice. And it could be as simple as choosing the right food to put into your body and mind.
See it all come together. The disparate parts intersecting at the right moment to satisfy the vision. We are wired for this. It is a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that cannot be matched and carries you forward to new avenues. Your trust in the process has been rewarded and you stand and gaze at what has been done. It’s what it is all about. From this everything flows and builds.
Smoke em if you got em. 'The dude abides'.
The bullshit artists are everywhere. Keep your eyes peeled. They know no limits and live in a hyperbolic bubble of bile and insinuation. Stay away from them. They will never be able to help you unless they help themselves first. They do not live in their truths, because their truths are weak and hollow. So they build themselves up with false statements and accusations to make themselves look good. It’s a shell game. Recognize it.
The bullshit artists are everywhere. Keep your eyes peeled. They know no limits and live in a hyperbolic bubble of bile and insinuation. Stay away from them. They will never be able to help you unless they help themselves first. They do not live in their truths, because their truths are weak and hollow. So they build themselves up with false statements and accusations to make themselves look good. It’s a shell game. Recognize it.
Embrace the possibilities. They are all around us. New challenges, new understandings, and new beginnings are happening every second. You just have to breathe and be open to them. It’s not rocket science. Step out and be counted. Especially now when everything is moving at a compounding speed.
Keep hammering away at it and it will bear fruit. Embrace the effort and live in the present. That’s all you can do. Deal with the cards as they are delt to you and play your hand. Do you best to control what is controllable and leave the rest up to factors out of your prevue. Rest assured they will be there but treat them as apart from yourself and not reflective on you, because they aren’t. They just exist.
The iron is in the fire. The die has been cast. What comes now comes. There is no stopping it. Prepare the best you can and prosper. The world is what it is. You can dictate to it what ever you want and see what happens. Trust that it will work out for you and it usually will. If you don’t believe, nobody will. So believe.
New beginnings followed by new frustrations. Our cells are constantly expanding and contracting. That is why life ebbs and flows if you think about it. Everything is in a state of constant change and evolving. It’s just you can’t see it happening. But rest assured it is. Nothing stays the same for long. Including yourself. Take solace in that fact. There is no need to worry about changing because that is the state of things.
You are staring at the wrong problem. Fix the one you can fix. There is always an answer. There is always a way through and out the other side. There are levels to this. It’s about seeing an angle for the first time that you missed before. It may have been there all along but you never saw it because you were not focused on it. Now that you see it, focus all your energy on it and you will be rewarded.
The generals will not shy away from this. They live for this. Bombs away they say. Civilians better scatter we have explosions to detonate. Hollow men dressed in uniforms will rain death upon the ground. Not a microorganism will live. Beware of this carpet-bombing thinking in your life. It will bleed there if you let it. Precision always wins out.
Sometimes it will work other times it won’t. You must fight against the despair it brings. Don’t let it have control over you or dictate your next move. Go around if possible. It gains more power and more control over you. Don’t buy in. Don’t give up. This is what is making the world crazy. It’s designed to. Be creative and seek an outlet.
Stuff keeps piling up. Builds and builds and builds, until it has a life of its own. Nothing is ever going to be good enough. Nothing is ever going to be bright enough. But it’s all an illusion. There are no absolutes, everything is a wash, then you are gone. So better make the most of it. You can’t get something for nothing. Accept the present so you can change. Accept the guts and harness your internal fortitude.
The missing ingredient often is the ability to see outside of yourself. If you are too worried about keeping up appearances or staying true to the idea of who you have created as yourself you will stay stagnant. You will always question why the world is passing you by and bemoan the fact you can’t get anywhere you seem to want to go. But if your able to imagine yourself in other peoples situations and identities you can begin to find ways to succeed. Try to see things outside yourself and into others concerns and situations through mirroring, projecting, and empathy. You serve them and you will help yourself. Indirectly your purpose will emerge.
Build on your failures. It’s the only way. Accept them as meant to be and work toward more of them. Don’t be afraid to show your emotion but also don’t be afraid to show none. It’s how we all learn. Don’t standby waiting for something to happen. Go seek and destroy as they say. Trust the process. Stay the course. And you will be rewarded.
It starts with one chip in your hand, just for convenience and efficiency. Then it branches out from there. It is a desire for speed for the sake of privacy. Everyone sees the world out of his or her prism, so each can see where this leads. It moves us closer and closer to pure automation. So we will not have to move, or think, or question. Just sit there and accept inputs to the brain that keep your mind in a passive state; entertained but empty. Be mindful of this and activate creativity and originality. It will feel predestined as you venture forth. Pay no attention what others say but just move forward with it.
What is this purpose that we seek? Why is everyone looking for it? Once you establish why, you can begin to understand where you can find it. Remove the clutter in your life that is not serving you. What you thought you wanted needs to be examined and defined and re-addressed. If you have to make sacrifices, do so for the greater good. Do not skirt your obligations but understand them. What is really making them tick, what is underneath them and what is bubbling up. Once that is apparent, your purpose according to you and you alone will emerge seemingly out of the blue. Then you will soon realize it has always been there.
Collusion is the new world order. Everyone props each other up to stay in power and good standing. Sure the pawns in the game always suffer, but small price to pay. Symbolic gesturing leads to defined purpose or a means to the end so to speak. We built these weapons so we are sure going to use them somehow and someway. Accept the new battle lines. People are losing their minds. Driving vehicles into each other just to see what happens. Don’t get lost in the sorrow. We need good people now.
Time to act. If not now when? You deserve it. Ease your worried mind; just do what needs to be done. And don’t think twice about it. Leave your head and ride it down to the ocean floor. Embrace the change because it has to happen this way. Moore’s law has seemingly slipped into everything. It all seems to be moving at hyper speed. But is it? Understand you can choose to not buy in if needed. It’s your power against it.
Back to the basics. When you find yourself in the weeds it is best to go back to the fundamentals. Set up is key. It puts you in the position to succeed. Look at how and why you are in the situation you are in and react. You may need to look back on how you solved a similar problem. It’s all there. Own the new path by cross-reference and experimentation.
You can’t change course just because you are under pressure to do so. Or you think you are. Many times the pressure you are exerting on yourself is made up. It makes you change direction when there is no need to do so. You will know when to change because it’s overwhelming. It’s not something you think about it, it’s something you know. It will consume you. And when you make it, there will be no regrets, because it was already done to begin with.
Passing the buck. Letting the military industrial complex do damage. We spend billions and so we’re going to use it whether you like it or not. Talk is cheap. Unmarked graves are constructed with beating hearts still present. Tapped in illusion and foreboding they stumble to the next drinking spot. They need to feel the struggle in order to feel something. They are numb and distant. It is the calm before the storm. Force yourself out of the slumber. It is too easy and you don’t have to accept it.