
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



Trying to make it happen can be a grind. Don’t force it, just allow it to unfold. Put the work in, and let it flow as it should be. Don’t press, don’t strangle, and don’t try to fit it all in. You can’t. Go on your terms the world will move with you. It has to, because there is no other way. Pause, reflect then act. Or act, pause and reflect. There is never a right or wrong way to go. Be mindful of this.



Vegetables and Fruit. Fruits and Vegetables. Eat them. Consume so many that you start to become euphoric. Your body and mind will begin to demand them. They seep into your blood filling you up with nutrients and purpose so you can see clearly. It’s really that simple. If you have to, trick yourself into eating more of them by giving up a meat 2 out of the 3 meals a day. It’s a sacrifice but one that will pay dividends down the line.



Repeal, repeal and repeal again. It does not matter what it is, just that it is something the opposite of the predecessor. The rubes demanded it and the entire re-election strategy is based on it. Opioids have deadened the population from empathy and purpose. They lash out against any and all protection as they look to find themselves in victim paradise. Drink clear sugar water and kick the ball down the road. Blame some other thing on their issues and let the guy in charge run roughshod through their consciousness. This is a road to nowhere. Get out of the car while you still can.



Blood games. Cloaked actions keep raining down bombs on poor bastards that have nowhere else to go. We will pay the cost for this but in ways unknown to us as of now.  The cycle just continues, but this one seems crueler and not as well thought out. Of course degrees matter and slight tweaks can save people, but not with rounding errors or lack of focus or trying. This crew seems like they don’t give a shit, and nobody is calling them out on it yet. It has to correct.  People will have to realize what this type of indiscriminate targeting does for themselves and their mission around them.


Speak easy

We are all just trying to figure it all out. It can leave you speechless sometimes. Back in the corner not saying much just absorbing and taking it all in. Noises bouncing off the walls as people shout to be heard and long to be spoken too. Drink more fancy cocktails and let the spirits take you to another realm. It’s been nintey years but we have returned to the rightful place to partake in illicit hand ringing and false construction of evaporated thoughts. It’s life and life only.


A crack

Move fast and break things. That is the new mantra sweeping the nation. Where does one fit in this you ask. Very carefully. Realized deception and cloaked daggers lurk around. Keep your head on swivel and your eye on the prize. Whatever that is to you. Don’t think about it just own it. Nobody else will for you. Now more than ever there is a blip and open window for you to venture out of. You just have to take the step and explore.



The jig is up and never was. Delusion mixed with grandeur meets details and empty space. Where people fill their heads with their own thoughts and permutations, and nothing gets done. It is all a show. It’s what he does. He produces drama that does not add up to anything. The reporters get their numbers and Kabuki Theater gets to roll on. None of it should concern you. All of it will go away soon and nothing will stick. Just brace yourself for the show, because it’s maddening if you let it. Instead turn your attention to being useful. For yourself and others.



We are all just analog beings trying to make it through a digital world. We have not caught up to technology and too often we find ourselves being used by it,  instead of using it for ourselves. Recognize when this is happening. Like when you are zoned out or not paying attention to what and who is around you. It’s worth taking inventory and taking notice. If you don’t you let in weak sycophants that will own you, and destroy your situation. All the while you won’t even realize it. Practice detachment from screens and you will find more room for your ideas and dreams.


Sweet science

Stepping into a punch, will absorb the blow. It may seem counterintuitive, but that’s why it works. You take away some of the impact by heading right toward it. If you back away you take the whole hit and it can break you. This is why you should take whatever comes your way head on. Don’t dodge it, consume and counter punch it, if needed. Remove it's power and control over you. This reaction will devastate it.



Write it down, again and again until it becomes your reality. What ever it is and whatever needs to happen. The potential is there but you have to willing to witness it. Be direct and specific with your thoughts. And let actions follow them. Trust in your process and develop it daily.


Big top

The circus is in town boys. The circus is in town. He said she said, non-answers and misdirection. Everything is framed and everything is disputed. Made up bogey men abound in order to scapegoat and harness power. It’s only going to get worse. There is a path here and one that leads down a terrible road. The problem is not the system. The problem is the system needs to run as efficiently and honestly as can be. We have a ways to go.


Growing pains

When the shared economy is twisted into the market economy, it fails. When the people sharing are only out to gouge the renter, the renter will gouge back. And when the renter wants to use the place as a stomping ground the owner will disengage or raise the cost. On and on it goes. It brings out the best of us, and the worst in us. It opens ideas of potential and progress versus decay and rot.



Talk is cheap. So many want to talk about how they are going to change, but when it gets down to it don’t want to do the work.  Or they want to have meeting after meeting to organize but not write anything down. It’s too easy in this world to swim around in your head but not lay tracks. It’s easy to try to do what others want you to do, instead of doing what you want to do. Because when you do that you can say it’s not your fault.  Challenge yourself to discover and do what you want to do and own it.



Life is a game of inches. It’s always played between two yardsticks. Slight adjustments here or there will make a huge difference. Sometimes you don’t realize it. Until you do. The sweet science it’s called. It’s discovered in action and repetition. It’s in commitment and in focus to the task in front of you and in experience and comfort in your surroundings. Realize all this to, shall pass away.



They will bleed you dry. They will wrap a wall around you and slowly suffocate you from within. In the name of safety and of holding on to the past you will be crushed in your own system. The comparisons are missing the point. This is the new silent evil. The one that lives in misdirection while you are robbed blind. It’s a new category. A cheap magic trick extrapolated to gain control and mind share. It’s working. Because we are so ill equipped to understand it, it has now become ‘weaponized’. The ones who did so know all to well how and why it works this way.



Some people go through life wasting their way through it. Not respecting the fact that others exist around them, taking more than they need and leaving an excess mess in their wake. They think they are making it easier on themselves, but they are actually making it more difficult. By always settling for convenience or minimal effort they are robbing themselves of satisfaction and agency. This will begin to show up in everything they do and everything they try to accomplish. Don’t put yourself through that. Be mindful of waste. Try to eliminate as much as you can.


Sea change

Unintended consequences.  We are again a nation of hypocrites. We say we want it one way, but in reality we succumb to the opposite. The good times will not last. This runaway freight train to oblivion will only take us so far. We stumbled down the path searching for more hunger and thirst. We are now on empty. The wasteland that we have created is surrounding us. The props we used to make us feel better now have us in a stranglehold. The overreach has happened and now comes the painful course correct. Fear not, it’s what we do. A change will occur and through the most unexpected facilitators.



Do you ever realize how some people don’t listen? They nod their head and identify words they play off of in a conversation, but most of the time is spent waiting to interject with their voice. They are never content to understand what your saying, they just want to move to their part as quick as possible. Recognize this and keep them off their game. Or catch yourself, if you find that it’s you that is doing it.



Libre by Nexus continues to make money off peoples predicaments while posing for justice in the face of fear. Running a working prison by cons and misdirection. Acting as a refuge but in reality serving themselves off the backs of others. Telling one and other that they are helping so they can justify it. But they are not. You can’t treat humans as cattle and get away with it for long. The tide will turn. And when it does, it will rain down on them.



Baggage seems to be always moving and shifting from place to place. Items keep drifting in and out of rooms, in and out of houses, as they find their home. Only to be moved again. It seems like there is never enough space for it, and then when there is room, it always fills up quickly. Then we wonder how we ever lived without this space, because now it is full. I think this is why meditation works. It allows us to remove clutter from the mind, by filling it back up again. But what fills it is coming from a stillness and peace so it is more attuned to what you desire. Not the same stuff you move around daily.



The war has been going on for six years. Very few around here talk about it or want to understand it. It’s like it’s happening on another planet, far away. It is a biblical clusterfuck of epic proportions. It’s become a wasteland of lost and hardened souls fighting for their piece of the desert. An undercurrent of a power struggle gone mad, a deviant pot stirring up a kettle of blood and treasure. How does one even begin to wade though it? Violence has been disconnected and it’s being reflected on all of us. The only way through the slog is with purposeful action and respectful intent.



The wrong way.  Pixels and machine learning gave it to you. It does not see all the angles because it’s not traveled on. It’s built in a vacuum of theory and projection. Be wary of this type of path. It could lead to a false sense of security and waywardness. Instead walk the passage yourself, and uncover the obstacles along the way. Or ask for directions from a trusted source that has been there and done that. It won’t be exactly the answer but it will be a piece.


Working man

Jobs are strong they say. The result is always delayed but the work was done. Now someone else will take the credit. So it goes. The movement will happen. Take advantage and do something that you want to do, or suffer the stagnation.  It’s easy to do. The world is full of loud distractions and shiny things. Be real with it. Face the conversation with yourself.



The black crude will flow. We demand it to. It usurps everything and it will not be scaled back. Those empty suits will receive their blood money and a nation will be swept aside. It has been centuries in the making, and the machine will roll on. Do not stand in front of it, but look for a way around it. Embolden yourself with action. Do not play their game. Start a new beginning.



They are now arguing over which bathroom to use. It should not matter but for some reason it’s all they think about. This seems like empty calories defined. They are trying to establish patterns out of random events. It’s fools gold. It’s an investment that preoccupies them from doing something else. It’s an attempt to understand their place in the world. They don’t realize they are free. They are not tied down to any of it.



Your game and nobody else’s. You will be much better at it and you will own it. This is the way you learn and the way you push it forward. You cannot make people care about things you think are important. Don’t waste your time trying to do so, or waiting for their approval. Move and act.



Your damned if you do, and you are damned if you don’t. Everyone and I mean everyone, will have an opinion of how you should do things and what you are missing. Go ahead and let them have their opinion and do your work. They may be projecting things on to you they wish they would do for themselves. It often is not about you, and you should realize this. If you focus on you, you will wallow in misery. You will be trying to live up to someone else’s expectations and it will not be good for anyone.



Our ballots are our bayonets. Or used to be anyway. We have forgotten this, or never understood it in the first place. It’s too easy to gloss over it now but the people do decide.  Even if the space is divided up to insure a result, a sea change can occur. But you have to wake up. That’s the tough part. It’s so easy to be fast asleep.



Take the ball and run with it. When you have an idea let it sit and then let it move you. If it’s a good idea it will build momentum and move others as well. If it’s a bad idea it will fade away and move nobody. Trust the process. See the lay of the land before you and make a plan. Realize this plan will change into a thousand other plans. It’s just how it works. Sleep on it and if you wake up with the same or close to the same burn as when you thought about it for the first time push it further along.



Live and learn. You may see things that others don’t and rest assured other see things you entirely miss. Find the middle ground. Don’t take it personal, just take it as another view and let it go. It’s a challenge but well worth the effort to do so. Nobody see things as you do. It’s a filter that does not exist for others. Who in turn have filters that only exist for them.


Dialing in

Burn calories outside yourself. It’s all how you look at it. If you frame everything to be a service to others, or to time, it rewards you, and posititive movement will come your way. If you think it’s all about you, it will remain stagnant. When it does ask yourself if you are trying to help others or just yourself. The answer will present itself to you and then course correct.

February Blog