
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



Happy. New. Year.   



Getting out of your head will allow you to just trust your instincts. It’s amazing what you can find when you do. Not questioning but just moving in the flow of life. Not expecting anything in return and keeping your objective in the back of your mind, letting it unfold, as it should. It’s hardwired into us but we have to calm the mind to experience it.


Detached Work

They sit there all in a row at their desks waiting for the phone to ring or someone to walk through the door. Their job no longer is needed but they cling to it for fear of being left out of a cycle they think they need to be in. Its better than most they reason, and my health insurance is being taken care of. A steady paycheck is good. But they are miserable. I see it in their faces and feel it in my bones because I have been there. Waiting for the clock to strike 5:30. Weeks, Months, Years slipping by slowly as you become more and more disillusioned from the whole situation. It’s a reminder to fight against daily and to never go back to. We are meant for meaning and for accomplishment. Not passive go through the motions detached work. That’s no good for anyone.



It’s worth striving for but just realize you will never attain it. If you worry or get upset at the lack of it, then that is on you. We are built to fail. It’s the only way we can progress and learn. To cope you have celebrate the small victories that are leading to something larger.



Memories on a website, not living or breathing but underneath the surface. The past is hidden away on autopilot. It lies there invisible until a perspective changes for you to see it. Once you do, you can move forward. Progress is always under your thumb. Sometimes it is hard to recognize because it moves slowly, but it’s important to realize it’s is there. And you can build on it.



700 lbs of food delivered with two hours of work and from one location. Think of how that extrapolates. This is food they can no longer sell that is still good to eat. It’s all sitting there, just waiting for humans to organize. Nobody should be hungry in this country. Not one person. We live in a historical time of unchecked abundance. The key is distribution to the correct channels and a willingness to do so. The distribution network is in place. We just have to access it. The willingness to get out of your own head and do something for others. That is real question. I challenge all to do so. Whatever it is. You will feel better about your place at the table and you will be helping someone else have a seat. Small steps and consistency will breed a willingness to expand.



Merry Christmas. A holiday that is synonymous with shopping closes their doors. For one day we relax, hang out with our family, take walks, visit, and eat. It's quiet and peaceful. A true break from the grind. We need more of those to keep it all in perspective. Maybe once every three months.


The in-between

Read the papers and all hell is breaking lose. Murder, mayhem, shock and awe. Go outside. Peace. Harmony. Joy. The juxtaposition seems larger and larger per day. But it really isn’t. It’s somewhere in between. We have a hard time separating the two extremes but when you do, you will relax. Be useful. It’s time. When you are chaos will drift away. Don’t worry it will be there but it won’t be there. And you will be able to focus and lead. Remember this at all costs. Your ability to persevere will show and movement will coalesce.


The pointer

The half hug half finger point. It comprises every photo taken everywhere. Consistency breeds persuasion. Look at me I am acting like I am giving attention but in fact drawing attention to myself instead. By pointing I am in charge. You are my servant, I choose you and you better not disappoint me. The pointer is always in charge of the pointee. It’s a slick maneuver that he uses over and over an over. Many people say he is unpredictable but I think it’s the very opposite. He is completely predicable. He is always going to want the upper-hand, last word and emotional high ground. He will never apologize or admit fault. Facts or logic have no importance to him. As soon as you realize this you can begin a plan to subvert or entangle. To draw out what you want in this situation and pounce when weakened.


It’s evolution baby

Everything is moving and changing and evolving. It’s too slow to see it but you notice it, when it forms. The technology gets exponentially faster, the disease gets harder to eradicate, and the enemies get meaner. How you accept this will control how you face life. Go with the flow of change do not fight against it. Predict it and people will follow you. Cause it and you will feel reborn. Cower to it and you will be miserable. Remember it’s your choice and it’s not your choice. Find the medium that works for you and run with it.



It’s important to take stock and see what you would like to  try and be good at. Choose something that you can contribute that makes you satisfied and does not essentially need anyone else to provide. We all need spaces where we are in charge. Where we pursue something on our terms and not waiting for others. It's self-confidence and self-determination that will bubble up and make you whole. Without this you will flounder and be at the mercy of others.


Perfection never happens

Projects are funny. All the planning and preparation and you can still go haywire. Nothing is perfect, just degrees of acceptance. If you pay someone to do this you will rail against the incompetence, but if you do it, you will cherish the struggle. That’s why you should try things that you many not think you can do. The result won’t be perfection but that is not the point. The point is the learning’s captured and the fact you can look at something and realize what went into it. That is priceless and what helps move the needle.


Practice over theory

The electoral college. Too little to late. Just like present college plunging people in debt and sponsoring massive keg parties. Formal education is no longer needed. It just buys the time before you should contribute something to this society. It’s a place holder and has always been one. A way to delay life, skip out on war, and evade responsibility. Not that there is anything wrong with that. That is needed sometimes until you understand for yourself what’s worth the sacrifice for you. But always know it is just theory and not practice. Practice is applying preparation to chaos and emerging.


Stay Woke

He is still wearing the fucking hat. Everywhere he goes, anyone he meets, will see him in a suit and bright red hat. Talk about effective marketing, or 12 year old peacocking. People lap it up. He is one of us they say. I can identify with that they reason; an old man in a horrible looking hat. It’s all an act. He is not one of you. He has never been one. He lives in a building made out of gold and has only had servants answering his beck and call ever since he was four. He has never had to get his hands dirty or build any sweat equity. So he learns how to use egos, how to manipulate, cajole, and how to distort. It what keeps his head above water and his minions working overtime. The American dream is on steroids, the heart of darkness exposed and bleeding out. Our institutions have created him, and he is our reckoning. It will not be in shock in awe, it will be a steady drip until we don’t even know it’s gone. The opioid zombies mixed with influencers and rabble rousers have moved back the clock. Now we must stay awake. Sleep with one eye open. Now more than ever.


Dig in

The rampage continues. The business ties will continue. The shady deals will continue. The Russian interest will continue. The violation of the law of the land will continue. All you can to dig in. Stay humble and build for winter. It’s coming and we need to prepare for it. Just know if you focus your mind on what you can control and what you want all will come to pass. It’s your imagination playing tricks on you. See through it and prosper young grasshopper. See the new angle emerging and take it.


Cover Fire

People need to stop reacting to the new guys tweets. It’s a diversion and manipulation. Take it for what it is, which is cover fire. The flank never has a chance to close and we move on. One solider at a time we march to the death of decency. Witness this and do something to engage. That is the only way to take the power back. You can choose how you want to react to this. The stoic in us will kill it dead.


Disinformation is the constant

With enough disinformation out there, you can always cover your tracks. That is what the web does for people. You can find anything that will validate your point of view, so you never have to change. You never have to test, or discover it through actual experience. It seems to be layered and layered each page representing a new experience and new information. But it’s not. It’s the same stuff repackaged over and over for you to consume in slightly different ways. You can not escape it if your using it. It’s the toll of doing business. The only power you have is not turn on the source itself. Or when you do, prepare for battle. The enemy is time. Always remember that. And you will be savagely gutted in certain avenues if you don’t watch it.


Scarcity is an illusion

The illusion of scarcity for most people is everywhere. We are constantly bombarded through advertising, through images and through comparisons that we are not enough. It’s what feeds the beast.  Rebel against this feeling of inadequacy because it is a false belief. And keeps you frozen in time. Fight it everyday, little by little, step by step and find your own truth that resonates with you. Then own it. One way to do this is turn it off. Turn off the noise, the chatter, and the fake movement. Focus on what you can contribute. Focus on how you can help. Then do it. Over and over.


Conspiracy’s are bullshit

When in doubt, always think of the most explainable reason. There is no conspiracy against you. There is just stuff that happens. Things stack on top of each other in an illusion of complexity. But deep down its basic human instinct’s. Money, sex and food. Everything boils down to this. Most decisions revolve around it. As soon as you recognize the motivations regarding this you can formulate a plan.


Reinvention is everything

The ability to reinvent yourself to your circumstances you find yourself in, is the key component in life. Accept that change will happen whether you want to it or not. Focus on what you can control and your place in this new world. It is the only way. Never compromise your core and pick your battles, playing the long game. That’s how you build something that will last.


The permanent campaign

A permanent campaign. If all you do is talk you never have to do any work. It’s just words and more words adding up to nothing. It’s more and more promises and self help talk that in the end don’t add up. He is the mouthpiece for brazen movement in the illusion of progress. Its all an elaborate set, the longest of cons, and we seem all to willing to fall for it. Don’t do it. Call it out for what it is. Empty jargon built to persuade and cajole, and designed to advance the cause of only a few. It’s empty performance art, empty calories, leaving you hungry and not satisfied. Take action and don’t fall into the trance.



The beedy eye man is giving speechs. The students stand at rapt attention, waiting for the next lesson to cycle through. The doctor gets angry at his patient’s looking to heal themselves. All the while hands move and water becomes snow. The billionaires will show us the way. Sit back and relax and take it all in. The men and women that twisted the game are now our salvation. This is the new Jacksonian democracy.



Screen time. It’s all consuming. You can generally count more time you are on a screen than not. What does that tell you? I think its something worth watching. Because we are getting closer to closer to turning into robots. Not sure if that is good or bad. It just is.



Put something in your mind, a plate of food, a house project, a painting, and really focus on what kind of end result you want to have. How the food tastes, how the sheetrock goes together, how the colors splash. Then do it. Keeping what you want to have happen in the back of your mind, but in the forefront of your journey. You will be surprised what you can pull off. We are all wired to do this. It’s what makes us human. You have to visualize before you can create. And put care into it. Too often we don’t think about that but that is essential. You have give a shit and want to share the end result with others. That’s authentic and that’s what makes it worth it.


The new basketball machine

Apple is ubiquitous machine that is trying to permeate all avenues leaving you without a choice but to follow. Each device connects and is dependent on another in a daisy chain of dependency. Golden State is building Apple. Like all innovators they are pushing all the way, they looked at the game and made a simple observation. 3 is more than 2. That’s it. Its math and it works. They are not reinventing the wheel they are breaking the wheel. The only thing constant in life is change. To fight against it is a loosing battle. Humans need to change and advance in all areas. If you don’t you are lost. And if you get too comfortable you are dead inside. Challenge is the constant. KD needed a challenge. He needed to be a bad guy. He needed to move away from safe. To go to the edge and who can fault him for that. As a basketball savant he see’s a game where all his teammate’s complement each other and the whole is greater than the parts. He has given up the ego, to achieve something greater than himself. The perfect game. In a sense he has always been this way and he was smart of enough to know that vision was never going to happen in OKC. Last night his teammate had 60 pts in 90 seconds of touching the ball. He is getting closer to basketball perfection. Expect more records to fall as they push offensive efficiency to unseen levels.


I live.  I did.  I die.

You have to know why you came to be like you are. Simple as that. Once you examine this, everything else will explain itself. Or will it. I live. I did. I die. That’s all we get. Might as well make the most of it. There is a fight for attention from all forces. You feel attacked but there is no battle. Its thoughts injected in your head when your not looking. You have to move past this. Counter attack they call it. Surround and conquer by tuning out the incessant chatter. It seems to be everywhere but you can eliminate it, you just have to focus on what it is not. And go there.



Sunday Funday. No more dread. All there is is what there is. Life hangs in a balance, the illusion is it does not. But everyone knows. You just have to listen. Open yourself up to helping and community. It’s a path to goodness. The pipeline is stopped. For now. The people did rise and the world took notice. It’s a start for them. But action has moved the needle. The money grab took a hit. It could be the beginning of something more or a stepping stone of what is next. Nobody knows for sure. They march on. The by product of the internet is this interconnected consciousness. Never before have we had this access to each other, good and bad. It’s how you look at it.



He found it. Even the great ones have blind spots. For whatever reason even they can’t see what is right in front of them. He has accepted his punishment and now will re-emerge for a third act. He is going back to the fundamentals, when he played the game for fun and hardware. When he played the game to impress his dad. Now he will play it to impress his son and daughter. The circle continues. His mind is a peace and his swing has followed. It’s smoother, not rushed, and deadly. People forget what made him the best was his focus and his willingness to work. It will be proven again. And his third act may be greater than the others. Like true artists it never left him it was merely lurking patiently. The magic never leaves. Especially when the tools are back.


Manifest Destiny

He will not stop. He takes resources; he takes your land, your heritage your culture. He is a virus. He spreads. He captures and contains. He kills and is willing to be killed. He conquers. He is never satisfied, he justifies his is ascension as his right, and decrees’ the humanity as inferior. He will destroy the planet. He will pillage burial grounds. All in the name of progress. He is the builder and a destroyer of worlds. He lies in your wake. He is a self-serving beast that is hard to justify and accept. He promotes suffering in the name of his cause. How do you defeat him? By assimilation? By subjugation?, By sacrificing?, By running away?, By standing up? by belief?. What will it take? When will he wake up? When will he accept responsibility? When will enough be enough?. There has to be a better way.



How do revolutionary systems become the norm? It seeps in carefully before you are able to process it. Then you turn around and everyone is doing it. But the road to that is long and winding. It’s full of hurdles and objections as people cling to the status quo. The true believers march us forward, thinking over the problem in a new way, taking what’s been done in the past and turning it around and around until a new one emerges. It takes time but what is build is lasting and changes the universe. That’s the true power that anyone can access. We are in fact built to do so. Most people tend to ignore instead of embracing it.

November Blogs