The hollow men move the money around so it works for them. What are the employment numbers if nobody wants to show up? That becomes the question. Sometimes what you think is the measurement is not really so. The fact you need to base the calculus on something that may or may not longer apply. We try to put everything in context but too often we simply are left guessing with the best of them. Go ahead and strive for your path. Nobody knows where it will end up.
You have to try to live on your terms, or you will regret it in the long run. If you don’t, no matter how successful you are it will never be enough. You will always need more. You will be beholden to an abstract idea of who you thought you should be instead of who you are. It’s easy to fall into this trap. I know I have. It’s like being on auto pilot, and not engaged in life. Turn this around and take small steps to gain back control. As long as you take them you will be on your way.
Don’t be beholden to the past. Just because something has been done successfully one way doesn’t mean it should always be done that way. We are constantly tweaking things as everything changes alongside of you. Accept this process and play with it. It’s easy to succumb to the trap of if it’s not broke don’t fix it. Challenge yourself and others to a more efficient way.
Different pathways are opening up all around you. It’s a new day. The so called cure is sometimes worse than the symptom. Be aware of this as you move along thinking you are grasping at straws. You’re not. Bide your time and move with forthright motions. Channel what you want not what you think you need. Don’t let the screen put you in stasis. Override it and prosper.
Try to have many irons in the fire. It will give you flexibility and things will work silently in the background for you. As long as one of the investments pop up every few months you can continue to build. Trust the process and have faith it will work out for the best. Never waver from this and learn lessons as you go along. Always have gratitude of where you have been, and where you are going.
Open your house up to the world. You are just renting it anyways. Even if you own it. The connections you make may embolden you. Or not. But it’s worth a chance. Fight fear with action. Any direction is fine but just take it. And see where you end up. If it’s somewhere you don’t like, change it by taking another course of action. Move like water.
That is how things stack. One layer is removed only to uncover a new one. On and on it goes until you are standing at the core. You have to dig deep to get there. It will not be discovered in a vacuum. Only in the field, and through trial and error, through discovery and road blocks in the natural state of things. And you will always make errors. It’s how you correct them and what you learn along the way.
Energized pills for sale. We live in the age of the pyramid scheme and it is only going to get worse. Keep your eyes peeled for these; they are a desperate attempt to extort you. Hyper capitalism unleashed but devoid of meaning. Steeped in gossip and manipulation, they will have you sucking down poison. The root cause shrouded and hidden so you will find yourself at the beginning once again. Don’t respond to them. Cut them off before they sink you.
Take a cold shower. Seriously. Do it. It will wake you up, shock your system, and make you feel alive. It sounds so simple but the best things tend to be so. Next time when you are taking a normal shower, turn the hot water off and stand under the faucet for 90 seconds. And breathe with it. That’s it. We live in such comfort it is important to put your body and mind through small tests that you can overcome.
An AK USB charger. Sounds about right. The paper thin warrior has infiltrated everywhere. Everyone would like to be one so they jump at the chance of any symbol of it that they can find. Which is now everywhere all at once. Nothing is in it. It’s the act that is real, which they can’t face. If they did, they would be there.
It is commerce on steroids. Life is bulldozed. You just hang on. The air, the people, the drugs, the vice is so overwhelming you have to just ride along so you don’t get trampled. The sense of danger and ruin is looming everywhere beneath the shining facades, which is why I think humans are drawn to it. It reflects an escape from the mundane for the thrill of a chase. The chase is real, but the reward at the end is not. It does not satisfy. Even if you win, it rings hollow, because it ‘could’ have been more. A sense of dissatisfaction is built into it. The sooner you realize this the sooner you can detach yourself from this false world and false expectations. Fulfillment will not happen on these tables, in the fake bells and whistles, in the mirage. When you realize this, you can just see it for what it is and enjoy.
You cannot kill an idea or creativity; it will just morph into something stronger and more resilient. And the ones that try to do so, think they are doing something they need to do. Instead of adapting to the inevitable change, they try to cut it off by clinging to the status quo. The joke is on them for window dressing will not work anymore. They have made their bed and now they will lie in it. The world, like it tends to do, will pass them by. When it does, they will lift their head up and wonder why. The cycle repeats.
If you’re always living in your head, you are trapped into believing what other people think of you. You should strive to break that cycle. Live outside of it. Do not judge it, do no stop it, just let the chips fall where they may. So much of the stress that builds is self imposed exile. It does not have to be that way. Believe in yourself. Leave your head, leave your comfort zone, and embrace the unknown aura around you.
How does one maintain the momentum? Sometimes you need to have the right tool. This will not be apparent until you test. Even then it can remain hidden. Don’t panic, and keep at it; enjoying the ride. Then it will appear to you one day, and it will be obvious and ingrained. You will have earned the realization so it will come with truth. It will not slip through your thoughts and out of your grasp. Put it in practice and go.
A company is now making a mint off a drug that eliminates death from another drug. Which came before it. For every force of power that brings things together there is a counter force the breaks it apart. Remember that, when you are looking at who holds the power and for how long. Circumstances are tenuous at best. Especially for those that seem so far entrenched.
Clean up your mess. We are bound to make them, so take personal responsibility to tidy it up. It will give you a sense of accomplishment. To wallow in it is to accept you will never get out of it. It will slowly surround you breaking down your momentum and energy. Take control, and step by step remove it from your life. Then you can think clearly.
The phone is not your phone anymore. It’s your connection, your lifeline, and your signal. It will control you. It tells you when to walk and when to run. Turn it off. Or put it to the side for a bit. For anxiety and judgment lurks within it. Step away from it, and gain some semblance of control. So you can complete a task on your terms. Don’t worry you’re not missing anything. It just feels like it.
Income. The focus should be to do something that you are already going to do anyways for yourself and others. Choose the way you want to go and how you want to spend your time. Get lost in the process. Take council but do not be dependent on it. This is something that will germinate from within. Then move with it.
The chaos bubbling underneath the surface has been unleashed. Years and years in the making, institutionalized and emboldened, it is lashing out. Recognize this so you can begin to adjust. Do not succumb to helplessness, that’s what it feeds on. Fight through it by creating your own vision. Seek to find meaning with the others around you, and challenge yourself to grow. That is the antidote to the hyper moving formless attacks that may or may not be surrounding you.
It’s time to act. If not now, when? It’s so simple when you think about it. But in this day and age it’s very easy to let things happen. Sometimes you need to move the needle to see how it lands later on. For you will never have all the answers you need. Just remember nobody does. You are always going to fly blind. So you may as well throw your hat in the ring. And see what shakes.
The shared economy is a myth. Or is it? It has the illusion of freedom but may leave you just as trapped as anything else has if you don’t change your mindset. In reality we set the expectations, so set them low. Then be grateful when you exceed them. If you set them high, and not attain it you will just wallow in disappointment. Which is not good for anyone. For you are a priceless commodity, and a number or transactions are not tied to you, ever.
Power up the troops my friend. Pass go and collect two hundred dollars. It’s the price to pay to live in a fake world. Admission is small compared to what it could be. It’s a car crash and you cannot turn away. Hiding in the shadows are companies ready to pounce. To fill your existence with meaning and truths you will not search for yourself. Move past it for nothing you will find there will benefit you. It is a shell game and a losing proposition.
The entrenched castles will eventually fall. The rigid strength that solidifies them will not hold up to the water that floats beneath them. For though they appear unmovable, they are in fact by design, fragile. Structures that last need to be malleable, so they are not beholden to one attack. We need to be able to recognize this adaptability in ourselves, and what we hold dear to us.
Put in the reps. They’re important. As you do you can only get more proficient and begin to see other angles. Other solutions, will begin to leap out at you in a way you did not notice. But you have to put in the reps.
The details. Often overlooked, but in examination you find answers. Peel back the layers to see what you see. They say the devil is in the details but salvation is too. The current will take you away if you let it. Put a stake in the ground and hold your position. The key is staying upright as you’re bombarded with adds designed to illicit emotion over reason. Don’t fall for the hype. It’s all there in front of you.
It’s never too late to try something new. Embrace the challenge and have no expectations but to learn. Listen to the voices and go with it. Which is much better than ignoring them and trying to justify it later. It’s going to come out, one way or the other. The result is inconsequential. It’s about the act.
One thing that makes building something so satisfying is how you are forced to manage and fit together all the components. No wasted notes, no wasted motion, just perfect synchronicity with the surroundings, and in perfect harmony of movement toward a designed outcome. The only way one can achieve such a feat is trying and trying again, learning from your mistakes and pressing on. Much like nature in itself.
When you are feeling stuck exercising your body will relax your mind. Our bodies are built to move things, lift things and balance. Real muscle confusion is how we evolved so we are natural at it. When you do this, your mind will relax and move with you. If you find a way to do this outdoors accomplishing a task all the better. It’s what you call a win win.