Keep the faith. Where there appears to be a failure can eventually lead you to success. Even if you thought the failure was really one, sometimes it is not. Nothing is one unless you think it is. If you treat life this way, you will learn from them and be repaid. If you throw up your hands and start raining down pity you will continue to suffer. You should deal with people and more or less situations as they are, and never as what they were.
Saying your going to do something and then actually doing it are two vastly different things as we all know. I would almost have to argue you have to hypnotize yourself in to doing something that is difficult, but deep down you know you want to do. So do it. First break down the task into small accomplishable tasks then proceed with the first one. Tell yourself you will enjoy this first step and begin. Then keep following each step, and keep insisting to yourself it is the best step of all. You will begin to build momentum and soon you will forget it’s difficult at all. And you will finish it. Then you can start another.
We may have not asked for it, but now it’s here. Be careful what you wish for because our collective vision is powerful. Do not fall in an outrage pit or you will be swallowed whole. It’s a fiendish trap that will control you. And the one thing you will be fighting against, you may instead create with your vitriol. Help what is in front of you and the tide will change.
Your own loved ones will doubt you from time to time. Reflected, you will begin to doubt yourself. Fight against it. They’re trying to protect you or project others on to you. It’s hard but don’t buy into it. Use it as a training ground. If you can take shots from the ones you love, you can take them from everyone. Just know it’s not about you it’s about what you represent to them. Or not.
Prepare for anything. We will choose what you wear, what you eat, what you think you will want. This way you can just consume and pay the bills. The algorithms will choose for us so we can focus on more important things like entertainment. What fun is that? Nobody should put you in a box and package you, because that you does not exist. And never did. It is a figment of your imagination. So don’t let them put you into a category. It is in an illusion. Break through it.
Infinite warfare. It is what it is. If we all are connected, we are all at war. It just comes through different channels. Watch the one that is coming through for you and course correct. Your mind acts like a channel that will augment alongside the various inputs it receives. It is not who you are. Detach from it so you can be at peace. Then put yourself in action that benefits others. That is a way out. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed, stagnant, and upset at the direction you seem to be forced to go. Change is perpetual.
If it’s all surface work, it will get you only so far. It’s important to grow roots. For a lasting form, foundation is essential. Even then, something can appear one way to you, but drastically different to others. There are now two different realities so be aware which one you may be identifying with. Each comes with it’s own set of facts and delusions. Choose growth and understanding over looking for a truth where there is none. Let the chips fall where they fall.
Phones are literally exploding in our hands. Stop and ponder that for a sec. In an effort to rush things to market that already existed, safety and test was dissolved, for an item that was very little different than before. There is a need to take a beat. Don’t worry you won’t miss anything, because this is never ending. If you step outside of it, you will find much calmer waters to wade in. Then you can see what out there is worth swimming too.
The drones don’t care who is in power. Their kill mission is uninterrupted and never mentioned, until after the fact. Crowd appearances are the burning topic. It’s about optics, no more, no less. It’s a machine that keeps rolling along. A sunk cost fallacy that just repeats endlessly. Real truths are messy and uncomfortable. But that is fool’s gold. Keep this in mind as you build your chapter.
Blowback. It’s coming and you need to prepare for it. It will come in cycles circling and swirling around you. Recognize it’s inherent weakness because it’s there. It does not appear at first but will under closer examination. Do not fear it. Embrace the path and laugh at the chaos by addled addicts in a trance, looking for the next big fix. It does not deserve a response. Use it as your fuel and turn it into something else. Laugh at it. Dissolve its power, which will only make it lash out again. Then dissolve it some more.
The March. Forward. It’s movement and it feels good. The follow up after is what is tricky. You can’t forget about that part. That’s the sacrifice. That’s what keeps the wheels going. That part may not feel as good. In fact you may feel alone and twisted. When you do don’t buy into it. It’s the ‘résistance’ trying to tap you on the shoulder and stop the momentum. You can slay him with discipline and measured follow through. You keep it going and the walls will come down. The strength is in numbers and with the persistence in your soul. Believe it. Visualize it. Create it.
People are in a panic. The energy is amped up. Let it flow. Let it seep into you and turn it into something that benefits someone beside yourself. This is the path forward for all who accept it. It is the real revolution. It’s the one inside you. You choose how you want to live your life. You choose how you want to treat other people. You choose how you want to help others along the way. Ignore the festering chatter. It is on the computer and not real. It has no tangible effect on you unless you let it. Focus on your mission in life. Focus on your family. Focus on your tribe. Focus on your projects and complete them. Focus on your contribution and let the mania float away.
A desk that wraps around you so you can work while you sleep. Sounds about right. The movement to robots is slowly coming along. It will be a step by step decent, masked in comfort, and shrouded in productivity mixed with brevity. Automation is here. Believe it and plan accordingly. This is the new reality. Accept it and move forward. Don’t look back.
Always have back up plans so when something adjusts you can fill in accordingly. It is important in being able to move with the ebbs and flows while having something chambered. If you don’t you are trapped. Because when circumstances show up as they always do; it is your mission to navigate them without losing your way. It’s difficult and it takes sacrifice but it’s worth it. Keep it simple but agile and you will prosper. Bog down in details imagined, and you will suffer. Diversification is autonomy.
Sometimes the solution is right in front of you but you can’t see it. Or don’t want to admit it. You have to push yourself up the hill, until you get to the evitable point in the journey, where you start moving downhill. Only at the top do you see the way down. Once you have ascended to the magical point, it gets easier and easier until it’s done. What comes up must come down. It’s natural law. And as you persevere it becomes a tipping point where all the momentum built up, helps drive you through completion. That my friend, is a beautiful thing.
One circus closes it's doors for good. A new one opens in DC for all to see. The more things change the more things stay the same. The artifice is different but the thoughts permeate and seep in. Recognize it for what it is. A dog and pony show that will distract you from your purpose if you let it. We’re just observers to all this, studying the trend lines to try to make some sense out of the chaotic masquerade that is being constructed before our very eyes. Then, once a course of action becomes apparent, we move all in.
It’s too easy to strap on a headset and let the simulation take over your home. This way you can desensitize yourself from it as your mind tricks you into thinking you are there. But you aren’t. You are not breathing the air and smelling the burnt flesh. Don’t kid yourself sport. You will never be there. You are too lazy to be. You are too afraid of actual engagement. So you prop up the façade that you want in. But you don’t, because if you did, there would be no doubt about any of it.
The unfragile center. Find a way to strengthen this and all starts to flow. And if does not you will not mind anyway. It works both ways. Focus on it and let it be your guide. There is no wrong answer, only right ones. You hypnotize yourself and you will see. It all comes down to what mindset you want to deploy.
Buy l.l. bean. That’s the ticket. A president elect as a pitchman. This should be interesting. Our economy will come fully out of the closet. This is what we care about. Buying stuff. To fill our huge homes and take us away from any type of real connection. You think tangible objects may bring you happiness, but it also may bring you slow decay and rot. Be aware of this when someone in power is telling to support a certain brand or illusion. They are not trying to help, they are trying to get you into a cycle of dependency and dept.
You can’t remove all the dirt. It what keeps you alive and humming. The opposite will always proceed the opposite in lockstep order. The pragmatist will give way to the gambler. Peace will give way to war. And vice versa. Humans can’t look at anything independently; they must zig and zag because that’s what moves them. If they don’t they feel stuck and unsure. That’s why history skips a generation and then repeats. Same pattern different outlets. It’s predictable and fierce.
A troll in chief. How fitting for our times. Don’t get captured. Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize. So many of us get caught up in other threads that do nothing but distract and de-motivate. They are built to incite anger and so they do. Growth is halted. It’s a cycle that you can never break through because it’s never ending. Reality is bent and there is no objective truth. If you know this going in you can adapt and prosper. You do this by stepping outside of yourself and helping others directly. You dig in the dirt and you discover gold.
Be grateful for the next step. Don’t question it, just act. Flow like water and you will be taken care of. The king has been wounded. It feels like the upstart overtook a force of nature. Ride the wave. Realize its temporary and take advantage of it. It’s always a matter of perspective. You have to celebrate the small victories because they’re the building blocks to find immersion in the accomplishment.
Be careful about what so called experts may say to you that you should do. Many times they are coming at an angle that does not quite align with yours. Their experiences have taught them one way, but sometimes that has no real bearing on your situation. Too often we will stop our progress because something someone has said even though in the end it would not have mattered. Trust your path and the way forward. Some roadblocks are put there by your mind and your mind alone with no justification. Move past them into another plane.
One hundred and twenty-five character warfare. It’s just a distraction to take your mind off what might be really going on. Skinwalkers stalk airports and football games are played. We walk into the ether. We all just make it up as we go along although some more effective than others at getting by. Neoliberalism has spawned a furious backlash. We are now entering new territory but you can pierce this one as well. There is always a weak spot.
Unrealized expectations from the outside word is a killer. You should have them, but never depend on them as your source of happiness or your self worth, because you will only be disappointed. For that does not define you. Your internal ones should exceed your outer ones. Then you have it made. And if people exceed those outer expectations than all the better. And more often than not to your surprise they will. It’s what you call a win win.
Sometimes you just have to have faith that you invested in someone will pay off. Despite your mind tricking you it won’t, due to what you see. The wash is in what you don’t see. Trust that what led you down this path, was correct and if it was not, accept it. But see it through, until you are completely blocked. Not just mentally blocked. The faith you have in the person will be rewarded until it’s not. Then you know. But you have to be sure to give them all the chances to get their part correct. Miscommunications are the norm in this society especially in the hyper competitive nanny state. Don’t get caught in the hype.
Cook for yourself. Take the time and learn to enjoy what you create. Savor the preparation and then the result. It provides energy for you. Without energy you cannot fight against stagnation. Our society seems to be set up to provide outside sources of energy but it’s fleeting and does not result in pushing you. Because you are not directly responsible, it’s an illusion of movement. Real energy is created by what you feed yourself. Not what you allow to be fed you. That goes for food, people, and situations you find yourself in. Be aware of what you’re being fed.
Minimalism is something to ponder. It’s appealing in it’s complete simplicity and usefulness. Maybe we were meant to be light on our feet and the idea of grounding was encouraged to keep us in boxes. The extra stuff will compile and begin to drag you down if you let it. But it is a self-imposed exile that we can let ourselves out at any time. You just have to shed the luggage.
Bringing disparate pieces together into one whole brings much satisfaction. Seeing all elements working as one is what we all strive for. Some days it does not feel like it will ever happen, but have faith that it will. If you are moving the parts day by day, soon they will begin to fall into place. You may not even realize how you got there, but you will be happy you did. Take solace when this happens, and use the new form as a path forward. And cherish each step along the way. You cannot fail.
We are going back to carrier pigeons. No paper trail. Easy in easy out. That way you cannot pin it on anyone. The criminal has an easy pass, and the public is more duped than ever. Just the implication is enough for the justification of secrecy. Nobody will know which way is up or who holds the cards, if they are burned on receipt. What is old is new again and progress and transparency is out. We don’t need to know things they tell us. We have it under control. Until they don’t. Then they will come asking for a handout. And sadly to often we will give it to them.
The soldiers are killing themselves. At a rate more than battle engagements. Nobody is really talking about it. The pressure, the stress, the boredom, and the depression must drive it. The intermittent combat zone compresses it until they can’t take it any longer. It’s a reflection of our confused and discombobulated mission, giving us a nation of lost and lonely children. Nobody speaks about it, and nobody questions it for fear of looking weak but it’s on all of us. A collective appetite for war and vengeance consumes us and they are the scattered pawns. Unlike other wars, this one has no set end game. It’s insidious and with the lack of a defined purpose, which we can rally around the players, they will continue to suffer. Sacrifice is one thing, this becomes self-mutilation.