Everything is being delivered to your door, on a monthly basis with no end in sight. Mass consumption now is so easy you don’t even know you are purchasing it. Soon it becomes ingrained. Boxes of grocery’s, snacks, sheets, razors, kicknacks you name it. It’s disguised as efficiency but leads to the opposite. Because it will feed and feed you until you can’t force down anymore. It will keep you on the treadmill of more and more until you can’t see straight and are trapped in a prison of your own construction. Until you have to get rid of it. Move past this and make a choice to not sign up for it in the first place. It’s easier than you think. And you won’t miss it.
The dog days of summer, the skin burns on contact. Underneath a magnifying glass sideways through the portal we jump. That’s what its all about they say. Whoever they are that is. Running and gunning through shattered thoughts and periodic negligence. Fleeting times come with desperate measures, falling down the dark corridor. To escape is to fly far, but not fast. In the end the worm turns.
This is what happened. You did not connect. You did not put your authentic self out there. You hid from areas that did not like you. You labeled yourself and others endlessly. You fell right into the trap. Your time is up. Do not crave anymore of our attention. It’s done. You had your time, now go quietly into the night. We only need the real. We all need to learn from this twisted side or ourselves because it’s everyone’s challenge. Everyday.
He is going to sacrifice him to gain favor and it will work. He purposely surrounds himself with lackeys in order to disregard them and gain the higher ground. The lesson in all of this is don’t overthink it. Create what you want to create and let the other stuff go. IRL. That is a thing now. We have been so fragmented and digitized we have to create term when communicating, that does not reference the common state. Which is a fantasy, an illusion trapped in moving forward and looking back. It does not exist.
Beware of taking a pill of any kind consistently. Nobody knows how it will really react to you. If there are other ways to combat the issue, try that instead. Remember it’s not one thing it’s everything. To get things moving speak about it, write about it and think about it. Soon enough you will see things emerge around it. It will appear somewhat like magic to you but it’s as real as it needs to be. It’s shaking the cobwebs off and it will start to flow again.
Design your life as you see fit. Not what others think you should do but what you want to see happen. Because anything you do will take some effort. It may as well be what you want to do. Remove thoughts that what you want to do can’t support you. It will because you will find a way. Things will move around you in the direction you ask them too. But if you don’t ask, or don’t direct them somewhat, you will find yourself in a position you don’t want to be in.
Tune it out. All the naysayers all the conjecture and all your programed thoughts, just let them slip away into the ether. Nobody has to know, and as they come up, they can just as quickly float away. If they do not serve you, let them go.
Follow the money. That is how you will bring him down if that is what you aim to do. Keep going further and further until you can’t see straight. It’s by design. It will tell the tale of what you want to find. Everything else does not matter. Cut to his heart, his commerce and you have him. Every purpose is to the bottom line. It’s a relentless focus that you have to crack into. Once you do, it’s all she wrote.
Well I don’t think this will work but we’ll try ‘er’ and see. Good advice.
Everything has a spot. It is your choice weather you want to place it there or not. If you don’t it will surround you. If you do, you have some dominion over it. But you have to make the choice or the choice will be made for you. Once you know this going in, everything becomes a destination.
Playing cards will keep you present. It is an activity that uses your mind and instills a sense of camaraderie, community and competition. Like life you never know what you are going to be dealt. If you did, it would lose all the excitement. Look at things this way and you will never be disappointed.
Remember names and faces. Pay attention to what is around you and what story is being told. Then inquire about it until it becomes part of your lexicon. It will keep you sharp and on point. Instill humor anywhere and everywhere. It’s your lifeblood.
Embrace the various strains of your family. Give thanks and show up. So much life boils down to those two simple things. Give thanks and show up. Don’t talk about it, don’t wish it just show up. Do not engage in gossip about others just give thanks. Your life becomes streamlined if you do those two things effectively and effortlessly. For it’s not about you and it’s only about you.
Faster fast food. What’s fast enough? 17 seconds, 10 seconds, 2 seconds. Why the rush? Why can’t you savor things? Why can’t we just create something that makes you feel good and fills your body with nutrients? Instead we do the exact opposite. And expect a different result.
The kids are not all right. Ears bleeding stumbling to the next venue half clothed and zoned out. We were all there once. And they always say its different but this time they look really lost. And how could they not be. It’s a different world. There seems to be a hyper need of finding causes and effect relationships when none exist. It’s a trap the mind plays to keep you in a prison of your own making. A prison of non-self belief of failing to live up to some standard you read about. You will always fall short in the universal comparison game, but that’s what’s great about it. So embrace that part of life.
You need a release and preferably not alcohol related. Those never go as planned. And is rarely the answer to your queries. It’s fun for a bit, but then it’s time for business. You begin to watch yourself evolve and it brings a jolt into your body and mind. It will happen if you exert your choice. And others will be mesmerized by the power displayed. And it may scare them. Let it. It’s a current and it can bite back if you let it.
We are bombarded by them. Everywhere you look and all around. Each corner battling to the death, using outdated tactics disguised as progress. It is divisive instead of inclusive. It breeds fear and retribution instead of acceptance and peace. Don’t get mired in the swamp. That’s where they want you because that’s where they can toy with you. Claim freedom from it. Claim independence from it. Be your own person and stand by the universal principles that are ingrained in you in the beginning. Don’t compromise anymore.
Prime Day? That sounds about right. Chasing the America dream one plastic import at a time. Protect your austerity for it brings you power. Especially in the fever pitch of consumption for consumption sake, with the low price justifying the purchase. But it doesn’t. It never does. To deny what is being thrust upon you that you know is meaningless in your life is the ultimate discipline. It will bring you bliss if you let it.
Take your daughter to work day. Sounds about right. Beginning to see the light after wading through muck. The dude does not care. He attacks with emotion over and over because he knows what people do for that. They treat at as their own world. Meantime he is well down the road and on to other matters. And letting you sort out the mess. Don’t ask if you don’t want to hear the answer. Just do.
The fog will visit from time to time. Like a shrieking fever you will hallucinate grand thoughts and serpentine gestures as you make your way to the cave. You will rise again.
The whole system is built on false assumptions. The ones at the top will lift the ones not there; the ones at the bottom can aspire for the top. It's bullshit, so recognize it as such. The worst offenders seem to be those stuck at the bottom pining or excusing the top from ripping them off. Don’t get sucked in.
Everything will be destroyed. It’s what he does. He lives for the vacuum of destruction and we have asked him to take part. He is sitting at the table and there is nothing you can do about it. Except accept it. And work around it. Don’t fall into despair, but fight your way out. Take the mountain. Inch by inch.
The gap continues to widen. Covered up through your sphere of dialogue so you don’t notice it but it continues to deepen. It’s always been there and it’s always been changing. The divided masses that greed and subterfuge feed off of. How you face it will be your test and others as we venture forth. The workingman is no longer the face of the struggle he is at the center of it.
A world dying and being reborn is all we ever have. Take what you will of it, it’s happening day by day. The anger that bubbles through the years is always there for the taking. It is forever twisting and turning it’s way into the consciousness of the time. It can move the needle in both directions. Use it when needed and be wary of it when it comes around. Don’t let it consume you.
Say what you want. What you really want. Say it without expecting a yes. Say it without caring what people may think of you. Take responsibility for it. Then what ever happens after that, accept it. For it is your creation be happy with it. And if it’s not serving you change what you desire. It’s all in your mind anyways. Trial and error.
Humor is covering up the absurdity of the transference. The modern dimension is unraveling and the sacred cows are calling. Those that attempt to define it will be consumed by it. Decency is no longer part of the equation and probably never was in the first place. The layers are being peeled away and what is left is mischief and deceit. The ends justify the means and the meek will be trampled. Don’t buy into it. It is the projection of others. It does not have to be yours.
Try to design a life with passive income. Enough to maintain while you look to build up in a step-by-step process. Do not to let the money be the inspiration but more the by-product of what comes when you are engaged in the task. It can start small and grow. It has to be fun and your enthusiasm must be real. Stay lean, agile and execute. Prove the model, and the rest will follow.