
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



No sleep, no food besides processed chemicals, and under stress from every corner.  Breathing in fake air, trapped in a building waiting for something to happen that never does. You agree with it to a point but you realize it’s not the natural way to live. The energy around seems shifts from resignation, anger and panic. Everyone seems a step behind and unprepared to tackle the problem at hand.  Avoid this kind of life, for it will sneak up on you if you are not careful.



In a mini crisis it is important to focus on the independent steps to dig out. You have a finite amount of energy so you should direct it relentlessly at each specific task you need to undertake. Don’t think about the entire problem; break it down to its individual components. And treat each with care and conviction. Don’t waste your energy in talking about it, railing against it, or lamenting because of it. If you do this you will find yourself in a hole that will grow deeper and deeper because the energy you need to harness will be depleted. The only way out is dogged determination and actualization of the equation that can be solved, not the overreaching dilemma that encompasses it. You focus on that and I promise you will succeed. Life wants you to.



A city at a crossroads. A city that is eternally seeking and grasping for their identity.  Since day one, they have been passed through countries, regimes and oligarchies.  So they entrench.  They drink strong drink eat heavy foods and prepare for winter.  They cling to a new west.  It remains confused and disjointed. They are new and old to this at the same time, as they pick which parts they want to focus on and which ones they need to discard.



Something for everyone. Living on the edge with two world superpowers facing off for 30 years has embolden a sprit of resilience, openness and acceptance that today could be the last day, so why not enjoy it.  The roads are wide with plenty of room for bikes and pedestrians. The 3 tiered transit system is efficient practical and easy. They have no time for bullshit. Dogs walk without leashes, tickets are not checked at every turn, and everyone minds their own business. It’s beautiful.



London. One of the world’s first city.  The settlement that started it all.  From the first man, the Roman empire, through Kings, and on down to the modern man they have all gathered and huddled around the River Thames.  Through wars, plagues, and fires they persevered and rebuilt.  In a constant cycle of rebirth and manic energy to better themselves and their family, the city underwent huge changes but remained a constant spirit of innovation and conquest.   It continues today.



Sitting in discomfort. Own it.  Let it seep in and let it soak.  Don’t try to fight it, just let it happen.  Soon as is by magic it will turn.  The compression will give way to expansion.  Let go of what you cannot control.  To often we look to stop it when it can’t.  It can be outlasted and from the experience new insights will be gained.  About yourself, and about the people around you as you forge the next step.



Buildings keep piling on. On the side, the top, and underneath progress will not stop. Merchant warehouses morph into mall kiosks. The goods and the services of the day filter through. The more things change the more they stay the same. Everything is always changing. Remember this at all times. Whenever you feel a certain way it will pass like everything else. Tomorrow is another day.



People everywhere going all different directions. That’s why you should not pay any mind to what anyone thinks of you. They are too caught up in their world to look. They have to be because they want to survive as well. Whether it be shops, cars, trains, buses, lights, carts, vans, barricades, it does not matter a bit. Everything is going every direction at once.



Stay frosty.  Go out and see for yourself.  Don’t read about it.  Act on it.  Put in the reps and they it will come back to you. Focus on your system and the goal will be secondary and therefore achieved.  Watch for cars going the opposite direction. And step out.



Geezers need excitement. The streets are bleeding for justice. A few thousands pounds here and few thousand pounds there. Bodies burned to the ground. Someone needs to pay. They already have. They will live with this forever. Even if they don’t realize it, they will pay a price in hidden ways. And it will keep adding up.


Side pockets

Pay attention to the space around you.  How it changes, how it compresses, how it expands; how light effects it and how light hides it.  Pay special attention to the empty pockets and see where they go and your participation in it.  The energy that surrounds your sphere should evolve with you and if it does not, change it.  It may be a simple of moving objects, people and yourself.  If it sounds simple it’s because it is.


Make happy

If you have a good outlook everyone will seem too as well. It’s ok to not always have this but it’s good to notice when you do, specifically how everything changes around you. Things will fall into place; you will want to go out of the way to make people smile at your expense. You are beyond being a person with needs you are moving through a plane effortlessly floating above all the noise and madness. You may notice it but it does not concern you a bit.



Sometimes you have to peel back the layers. They’re always there covering up what you think you want to experience. Be patient and go seeking to uncover. What is really going on and what is really making things tick? Behind the façade and the bells and whistles lies the truth, or your perceived reflection of it. Go towards that and leave all the other matters in your periphery.


First wave

Revolution street is now lined up with sleek restaurants playing loud pop music about boys, malls, and loving yourself through materialistic possessions. This is what Havel was fighting for all those years. But the lessons are slowly being covered up in a love of commerce and plunder. The land of Bohemia rematerialized for the digital age. So come and get your fix and continue the never-ending search. The square is now engulfed is a sea of people ambling around shoving food and drink down the hatch and burning bills almost as fast as they can pulse them.



Revolution street is now lined up with sleek restaurants playing loud pop music about boys, malls, and loving yourself through materialistic possessions. This is what Havel was fighting for all those years. But the lessons are slowly being covered up in a love of commerce and plunder. The land of Bohemia rematerialized for the digital age. So come and get your fix and continue the never-ending search. The square is now engulfed is a sea of people ambling around shoving food and drink down the hatch and burning bills almost as fast as they can pulse them.



Choice is being taken away from you. It is your decision on how you want to act on this. Do you let it control you by sacrificing annoyance for convenience? A simple click can spin down a daisy chain of unmitigated consequence.



Walk on uneven surfaces; it will stimulate your creative mind. The quick sudden adjustments keeps you body guessing. You never want to stroll on flat-planed surface. All the best city’s sidewalks are a disjointed hodgepodge of rocks concrete, and stone. In suburbia the walkways are smooth uniform and therefore, catatonic for your soul. It’s the tiny details that make big differences. You just have to recognize them.



Retrace the steps so you realize when you may be repeating others descents into madness. Recognize that it is part of our humanity and see the trap for what it’s worth. The feeling of blaming others for your failures, the feeling of being trapped by your own mind, the feeling of giving someone other than yourself the power to escape it. Realize these will all be temporary victories of which from the backlash created by them will leave you and others far worse off. Be mindful of better ways.



Sometimes you need to cut ties that are not serving you. Something that you believe to not be difficult should not be. If it is, it is others mucking up the waters in their attempt to fill their needs. Don’t take offence to this but remove yourself from their path. And see what shake out. Remember only you can put yourself into this prison, so only you can break out of it.



Time to jump a plane and get out of your comfort zone.  Make it happen and let it flow, as it should.  So far so good despite delay, intrusive pat downs, cramped seats, and smells.  It is the norm now.  We made it too difficult on ourselves.  We should not have, but I guess it’s better than it used to be.



Speak up. It is important to do so in certain situations. Too often we find that we are waiting on someone else to speak. They won’t. Take responsibly and speak up yourself. Laugh at the lack of comfort



It helps to have someone that you can disclose things with.  They know what’s really going on.  They accept you for who you really are, and not what your mind tells you now and again.  You will know it when you find it.   Cherish it and nurture it and it will pay off ten fold.  And allow yourself to return the favor to them.



Take the initiative and put your cards on the table now and then.  You will be surprised at the results.  If you have been pondering over it incessantly, it’s already been done.  So go through with it and take whatever happens as meant to be. Don’t use should.  It will poison you slowly.  It absolves you from responsibility.  Say might or get it done.  Simple as that.



You should try to never let other people dictate how you feel.  That is always your responsibility.  So take it.  It is very had to do this. Don’t beat yourself if you slip. You will find yourself doing so.  Just stop.  And course correct.  The more you do the more you will find it becomes natural. Most people are who they are.  That is ok.  Don’t try to change them just empathize with them.  It removes all their so called power over you.



We race to create alternate realities in our mind and miss facing the present one. We continue to plunge into something that we think could fulfill needs unmet. Have the strength to stand apart from it and unpack. Your needs may in fact be a construct and an illusion. For you have everything you could ever desire, and it’s right in front of you. Break the spell.



As early as age one, you want to contribute.  It is ingrained and hard wired into you to help selflessly.  That is why it makes you feel good.  It brings you back to your natural state.  So do it.  And do it with the mindset of purity of purpose not expecting anything in return.  Ironically you will get plenty back.  Then when you do, be grateful for it.  On and on the cycle will build and build.  That’s how everything is done.  Tap into it.



Try to surround yourself with the right people. People that you can have open two-way communication with.  People that can point out your blind spots, and that are willing to accept your thoughts in return. People that align with your vision of how you want to live your life, and may see angles you may have missed.  People you do not judge and do not want judge you. People who you want to help without expecting anything in return.  People willing to do the same for you, without sacrificing who they are.  Keep this in mind and  when you find it,  you will know you have.



The war in ourselves has spilled over to the world. There is no end there, until there is an end here. It all starts with the individual connected to the whole. They march for a truth that is an illusion that never existed in the first place. But they will never catch it. It’s always going to be just out of their grasp. Don’t play their game. Move beyond it. Get out of the language of the enemy image. Step into what is really going on.



When you think about it everyone sees the world completely differently so you may as well share your viewpoint. And see what sticks. Looking back chasing the night seemed like living, but it was a manic trance. Followed by a complete fog the next day. On and on the cycle went until one day it didn’t. I’m grateful for escaping it, intact. It agrees with more of who I am. Which you have to continue to unfold by determining what you are not.



An algorithm that makes decisions for you is coming to app near you. Passively plugging numbers into a machine in order to guide you seems delusional. The whole thing being financed by advertisers looking to point you in their direction and data mining companies compiling your personal data to sell. You sacrifice your privacy for bullshit, pure and simple. There should not be any stress for decisions, because when you think about it,  they have already been destined for you. You take a path and you go down it. Period.  Accepting and learning as you go.  From the learnings you forge a path of new twists and turns and on and on it goes.  Besides what fun is life if you don’t allow yourself the ability to make decisions. It’s called growth.



They are now advertising a national news channel on the radio. With sound bites and spooky music and spectacle. It’s all about the money now. There is no news. It is all entertainment. A human comedy designed for your outrage and conformation bias. Recognize this for what it is and remove yourself from their equation. They want you on the Ferris wheel so you will continue to build prisons in your mind. And then over consume in an effort to dig out. It doesn’t work. Laugh at this and move on to help others, and to continue build your world in a reflection of your own values.

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