
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality


All in

How does one navigate the unknown? Understand that each experience you have is temporary. Each thought, each sensation, and each memory are forever being extinguished and reborn. The constant in this is you, the ‘knower’. You have an opportunity to shape the missing pieces. You can choose what to focus on and what to discard. The path is open for you to look, listen, and feel. Once you weigh the risks, go all in.



Recognize that the collective consciousness around you moves in waves. It will ebb and flow. It is never an absolute. Changes arrive in fits and starts. Something can seem so concrete but will vanish the next day. Other times a seemingly empty space will take form overnight. The important thing is to remain a witness to it. This way you do not attach yourself to it. When you are able to do this, the events lose power over you. Life becomes playful and full of amazing observations and opportunities that are malleable. In pursuing your truth, you will find out what is false.



It’s time to move beyond. Beyond the back and forth. Beyond the day to day. Beyond the true and false. Beyond the past and future. Beyond the fear and safety. Beyond the virtue and deceit. Beyond the causation and pattern recognition. Beyond the particles you think you are and into the energy of being. Into a place of awareness, gratitude, and acceptance. 



Don’t force the issue. Know when to rest and recharge. Nobody is chasing you. This is your path to take. Flow with the energy provided. Check in daily. If something feels misaligned, pause and ask what if. Be kind to yourself as you plot your next move. Remember, there is no specific timetable, and all is happening around you as it should.



Go ahead and make plans, then release them. Follow through as you see fit, but do not hold on to any expectations of how they will go. The things that are meant to happen will, and those that aren’t, will not. In any case you have stated your intention and removed your ego from the result. Use this sense of freedom as an energy springboard. Realize you have more control than you think you do. It’s a matter of perspective and resilience.



The glass ceiling is being shattered. As we gain more and more awareness, we will start to see lasting changes. Disregard the illusions that will proliferate in your mind preventing momentum. Move forward. There is nothing to fight per se. It’s more like re-direct. For it is not zero-sum game. This life is about letting go and filtering your reality to help yourself and others. We are all figuring it out. Slowly but surely.



Often we get overwhelmed in worrying about the perceived road taken or not taken, when each is an illusion. Call it for what it is, and be done. You have an opportunity to bring the light wherever you find yourself. Concentrate on doing that and let everything else fall away. For you and you alone filter your reality. Nobody else does, and they could not if they wanted to. Think for yourself. Or else you will live in a fog of fear and pseudo-control. You will see blessings as threats. You will see exits as locked. You will see opportunities as obstacles. You will see joy as pain. You will see love as hate. And life as death. Suffering will be your respite. You have a choice against all that. You think you don’t only because that is what you have heard and bought into. Disregard it and live from your heart and soul. You will know what that feels like because there will be no hesitation, no trepidation, just inspired action and love.



Anger gets you only so far. It serves to temporarily shake you out of complacency, but eventually it will consume you in a never-ending cycle of frustration. To change the environment and to see what you want to see, move up in your overall consciousness. When you do this, and serve as an example for others to do so, you can create lasting results. For a raised consciousness is harnessed from a place of peace and harmony. It does not simply desire change, it embodies it.



You have the option to choose how you would like your perceive your own story. You can also choose to not choose, which is a path in and of itself. The patterns are there for you to explore and to invest in. If you are finding that choices are difficult to make all the time, change your perception of them. See the same choices from other angles, ones where they serve you instead of block you.

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