
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



The mysteries of life are waiting for you to access. There is no manual for you to follow. There is no perfect way to proceed. Focus on the way that brings you joy. Don’t judge it, don’t overthink it, and don’t desire it. Be with it and see past it. Remove your persona from the equation and tap into the undercurrent of truth. You only need to find what is already there. 



Fill up your soul bucket. To the brim. So it overflows. Then watch the ripples spread. It will be little to no effort for you to do what helps the situation because you are so aligned in your own purpose and your own destiny. Everyone around you will feel your positive energy. You will naturally let go of any and all expectations, and appreciate what is happening in the moment. Because you have been pursuing what fulfills you at a soul level and owning it. From there all the energy will flow.



Go with your first instinct. You can always course-correct later on. Or do nothing. But be aware that that is a choice, too. See how you feel. Take inventory hourly and daily to see if you are moving in the direction you desire. Complete small victories that add up. Visualize where you want to go and then let go of the how. It’s all there for you to access, but keep your resistance out of it. Time, space, and stillness will serve you if you let them.



Recognize that everyone will see their own version of reality. It comes through them from their own perceptions and visualizations. You know this because you see your own version as well. Understand it is not your place to define roles or identity for others. You cannot expect them to act the way you want them too. They have their own way of dealing with the onslaught of information and images that flood from everywhere. Instead, appreciate how they show up in your world, and let everything else go. Don’t expect anything from them, and be grateful for whatever happens. For it is your own interpretation that enables the interaction at all.



You can’t be in growth mode and protection mode at the same time. This is because protection will override growth. Ask yourself, is the defense worth the sacrifice to growth? Or do you want the environmental factors of growth to be nurtured and set up for success? Awareness is the key. Are you fulfilled with being in protection mode? Then do so and don’t apologize for it. Accept the consequences until you realize you would like to go a different way. You will know when you know. Then shift your mindset to the possibilities of growth, and all sorts of things will be open for you to explore. Go easy on yourself; life is supposed to fun.



You can never know the causes. All is as it is because it is. To ripen under any circumstance is a matter of letting go and creating space. This starts with managing your energy. Pay attention to what drains you and remove it from your life. Be ruthless about it. Once you have done so, watch what fills the void. You will not need to do anything. You will follow your joy and follow your bliss. You will take inspired action. Because this is who you are.

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