
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



They are falling right into the trap. It is so clear. You are going in the gutter where they want you to be. It’s an insidious cycle and it’s driving people insane. Don’t get caught in the gully washer. We are allowing madness a channel. Turn it off. If you are part of this world you are helpless to change it. If you are free of it, you can.


Take dead aim

All the money and fame in the world will not make you feel whole. You can still be driving around in a haze at 3am. He was the best there ever was in a game that is impossible to conquer. He spent his whole youth doing so and now seems lost. His demons pay no mind to his perceived success and comforts. This story repeats over and over again. It’s a lesson to us to take stock and understand what really makes us fulfilled. And concentrate on those matters with direction and diligence.



Words will swim upstream.  If your motives are pure people will latch on to them.  If they are not you will not gain traction. Always keep and open mind and youthful spirit and things will happen.  Remember drowning is a passive event. Recognize this in yourself and others.  Your body slowly shuts down until it just becomes an instrument of breath. Don’t sink.  Remain active and alive.  To often our society wants you to be passive, wants you to think you can’t make a difference.  It is a myth.  Don’t believe it.



You don’t want anyone in your food supply. Sometimes you need to let the mentally ill rage and live to fight another day. It’s not always your battle, and the war is still going on. It needs your help further down the cycle. But when it encircles, attack without half measures. Slow down and do not take everything personally. For it is not about you, it is only for you. So use it. Too often we are jumping between worlds. There is no need to be disjointed.



A couple weeks mate. You can do it. It’s downhill from here. Create benchmarks on your path and cherish them. Live in the moment and escape longing and despair. For the truth is going to show itself when it’s ready. And you will embrace it. That is the way to leave your head. Everything can change in an instant. That is how it goes.  



Eventually everything becomes boring.  The power that once raged gets misdirected and dissipates. So keep that in mind in whatever power dynamic you may find yourself.  Sometimes all you have to do it wait it out, and let nature takes its course. Stay inspired and preserve.  People will continue to view a situation different than you.  And that is your in, to a new way.  But you have to stand for something.  You can’t just rail against what you don’t agree with.  You have to paint the picture.



Dig in the dirt. Too many people in my world have forgotten how to work. They are all just grasping at potential and fantasy. Or they are just spinning plates. The mind will trick you into thinking you have problems. You don’t have any if you have the essentials. Everything else is programmed. Break it. Make the call. Don’t text. Don’t email. Pick up the phone and have a conversation. Then have another one. As many as it takes for their to be an understanding.



'Take the mask off so you can see’.  And trust your intuition. When you are told by yourself to stop, pause and take it in. If something happens accept it and move on. Motivate and take the new direction. Pick up the pieces wherever they land and go forward with it. Don’t be afraid of change or adjustments. 



Be careful of trying to fill a temporary hole in your life with material things. New shoes, new pants, and new shirt because you think you need it. But you don’t. If you are thinking about this all the time recognize this for what it really is and don’t get sucked in. Sometimes the hole can’t be filled quickly.  Don’t dismiss it, just accept that your grasping at straws, trying to fill something that can’t be filled.  So let it go.  Nothing will do until you meet again.  It’s something that can’t be replicated because it’s one of a kind. Laugh,  because good times will come again.



Sometimes after checking all the options you just need to sit with it. And see how it plays out. Too often when we try to force things they get harder. Don’t and it will get easier. Live in the present and take it all in stride. That’s what you have to do. Even when you think you shouldn’t. Or the pressure builds up on a false narrative.



Be careful of what you are putting into your body each day. Know a reaction will come if you are careless. Backlash will happen if you let it.  Learn from it and move on. Just realize that the same negligence that hurt you can be flipped to vigilance that saves you.



We no longer share a collective frequency. It’s disjointed and splintered. Maybe this is how it’s always been but it is important to understand your place in the new world. A constant can be a lifeline. Surround yourself with people that will challenge the way you think or at least present a different viewpoint. That is how you grow. Don’t rot on the couch. Exercise your brain by challenging it.



Ding-dong the fat man is dead. Roger created a vile world and it bled out over everyone. A vicious predator, his id controlled him. And our society let him run wild, because he made money, which solves everything. It does not. The precedent gets set and it expands and expands. It takes on another life and becomes something new all together. Each one of us has a power to shape our world. It is your choice whether you want to do something that helps others or something that hurts. Rest assured your influence will be felt.



You can prove anything if you think hard enough. If you manipulate your lens to do so, it will be so. Even science can be driven to a certain end. So beware of what you read, take stock into the story being told and adjust when needed. Everything eventually will be upended and scattered. It’s what happens from time to time. Don’t worry about the chaos. It’s natural.


Nowhere fast

Delayed gratification. Everything now is on demand with no wait and no hassle. There is something to be said for having the discipline to not over fill your cells. In this day an age we have to recognize and embrace moderation. Even in moderation. Strength is all about short bursts. That’s how you make leaps and that’s how you turn. Don’t walk the straight path because it does not exist. 



Fake news is now news. There is no universal truth and in fact, there may have never been. Nothing can be proven but what you believe. The illusion is being peeled back. The only truth there seems to be is your personal truth. Whatever that is because that will be true to you. Because each of us sees out of the their own prism and out of their own reflection of the world, nobody can prove to anyone what they already know. When you get bombarded with information take it for what it is. It’s someone else’s interpretation of their truth. Hopefully enough of are own partial truths reflect helping others.



Take it day by day, that is all you can do. Breaking it down to little things you can accomplish throughout. Writing them down and crossing them out, one by one, each little thing leading to the bigger picture. Do not put your life on hold. Do not wait for something to happen. Take each moment and make something happen. Don’t buy into the distraction that has been designed for you. Move through it.



Everyone wants to know that next step. That’s great this happened but what now they ask. It’s a disease of more. The thought that what you currently have is great but there may be something missing. There is a solution. Enjoy the present. With all your heart and soul. Focus on it, and it alone. It will move with you instead of you chasing something that may or may not satisfy.



The ability to stick to and finish something is a learned trait. Delayed gratification and being able to see the larger picture emerging is essential to success. Nothing tangible comes from fleeting moments of fancy or emotional overreaction. Steady progress will lead down a successful path. Too many people cut the cord too early when they don’t immediately see what in it for them. If you're in the mix, trust it enough to see what’s what.


Social Media

Be prepared to walk away from all of it. It’s in the cloud it’s it is not on your back. It is in your mind not in your machine. What ever you think that is helping you make your way realize it’s just a tool and means nothing in the end. It does not replace your faculty or your position in the race.



Items and supposed material goods of value will suffocate you if you let them.  Slowly and steadily they will close in on you and your family.  Leaving you beholden to them.  Your energy will be sapped worrying about them instead of used to build a better life for you and those around you.  Separate this attachment from all tangible things.  And you will be free. Keep your attachments to the real.  Your family and friends and your experiences. They should never leave you.  The other stuff should pass through.  Never stockpile.  Circulate and it will come back to you tenfold. If you don't, that war never stops.



Items and supposed material goods of value will suffocate you if you let them.  Slowly and steadily they will close in on you and your family.  Leaving you beholden to them.  Your energy will be sapped worrying about them instead of used to build a better life for you and those around you.  Separate this attachment from all tangible things.  And you will be free. Keep your attachments to the real.  Your family and friends and your experiences. They should never leave you.  The other stuff should pass through.  Never stockpile.  Circulate and it will come back to you tenfold. If you don't, that war never stops.



Play bridge while the world rumbles. They have made hay and our now lamping around.  Not a care in the world but gossip.  And the queen of clubs.  Everyone improves slowly but surely.  You live to 110 with cigars and whiskey.  And luck. And inner truth.  The sky expands and the waves crash against the horizon.  Ignore the negativity that will try to surround you at times.  Don't get sucked in.  Or suffer what is around you.



Do you and do it big.  Loud and in your voice.  Or the voice that runs through you. For good or bad. The people won't know what hit them.



Use what's around you. It's almost always enough. When you think you need something it is often at the expense of something else so weigh the options and choose what breaks the curve. Trigger point illusions encased in glass that's ready to be shattered at any moment. The few will always sway the mass. Move against them or suffer stagnation and resentment. Or better yet move the way you want and watch as the world shapes with you.



Have a mantra. Just write it down.  On paper and with a pen.  You are wiring your mind to live it.  Then you will.  You won't even realize it's happening.  But it is.  Embrace it.  It's a simple step but takes discipline to do it.  Your brain will say halfway through this is dumb what am I doing.  Ignore it and keep writing it down.  Over and over.  You hand will start to hurt after 10 times.  Ignore it keep going till 15.  Then stop.  Then do it again the next day.  And the day after that.  On and on. Pretty soon, things will begin to happen in your path.  Make room for them.  Embrace them.  This is what you requested.  It's a choice you made that will now reflect in your truth. Own it.


Hidden Figures

Just because something has been one way it can change. We are all formless. And malleable. The system comes down from within. A crack becomes a continent. Your mind is it. Your body is it. Use it. 



It’s about growth. It’s about trying new things. It’s about testing yourself in ways you have not in the past. If you try and live a life like this you will always life with purpose. It’s so simple if you think about it. It’s not one thing, it’s everything. It’s ok not to know, its ok to be up in the air. It’s ok to test and react.



Life on the edge. A pre-med student went berserk. The wiring short-circuited. Taking ‘happy pills’. Innocent victims slaughtered. Beware of ingesting anything synthetic. Recognize what it may do to you. Your body and mind have self-healing properties built in. Use that first. Mental health must be addressed and it starts with physical health. This starts with whatever you put directly into your body.



Respect the game and treat yourself accordingly when you’re in it. Do not be critical of yourself for attempting to master it. Accept the lessons as you go along, without self judgment and without scorn. You are better because of the direct feedback you receive. And the more feedback you get the more you learn to trust your own talent and intuition. And the game will start to sing.

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