What a way to live, what a way to be. Inspire people with your words and actions. Take the service route. Don’t ask, don’t ponder, just show up. This type of behavior resonates deeply. People will look at you as if you are magic. You will think it’s just being normal and happy. Others were be inspired by your choices. Step into it because there is nothing wrong with it. Just do what you were born to do.
Welcome to the bright lights and big city. Do what you want to do and be present. The rest will extrapolate. Invest in what you want to invest in. See a situation how you want to see it. Then it will exist no other way. Nurture it and let it grow, for it wants too on it’s own. Seek a better understanding, a better way to live, for a fuller and truer path is imprinted in all of us. We are connected and you must help yourself to effectively help others. Break through and imagine the possibilities.
Sometimes you sense a new phase coming on. When you do its time to reach out for help in the next chapter. Delineation markers now appear signifying one thing wrapping up and the next one setting in. Take solace in it and be grateful for the path opening up to you. Honor the past but do not dwell in it. The future is always waiting, so embrace the present shift. And ride the wave.
You can always focus on the negative side of a moment if you think about it. You’re mind can create and destroy simultaneously. All of it changes so experiment and learn how you can process it effectively. Deduce and thoroughly examine what you sense is happening and then contemplate the opposite. Then keep moving forward. Each situation is different and each interpretation will be as well. Why not take the positive side.
You will never have the assurance you desire. So go ahead and remove it from the equation. How is that important anyway? Not much is guaranteed except your reaction to events. Everything else is up to other factors. So stay the course and be kind. The rest will take care of itself. Your mind is working overtime. Allow it to, but don’t be consumed by it. That is where traps are set and frustrations will set in.
Ask yourself who is helping who in this situation? The networks want this because it’s good business. They have morphed into a hype machine doling out division for ratings. It’s manufactured spectacle that stokes the fire but adds nothing new. At this point minds are fixed and no amount of ‘proof’ will change that. Accept that, and move on.
Keep putting in the time if it’s something you want. Everything should just wrap itself around the mission at hand. Set your intention, release it, then don’t look back. Make the adjustments along the way, and look for ways you can be more efficient and understanding. The connections are out there, but you have to open to them. Use what you have been given, then work to add talent in other avenues. Don’t get discouraged if it seems you move two steps back to gain one step forward. It’s all part of the fun.
When you are learning something new always check in with progress downloads along the way. It helps to understand fundamentals and have a baseline of where you can build. It’s human nature to want to jump ahead, but that is not necessary. You have time abundance and you can learn to tap into it. Remove your personal desire and align with the journey you want to take. Then go on it with no regrets and no expectations. The path is enough.
Every now and again take an objective look at what you are doing and what you are thinking. To often you can find yourself in self-imposed problems that you don’t have to be in. You just think you do. You may be trying to justify something that you have been told or live up to a standard that has been impressed on you. Everything gets twisted and turned around on its head from time to time. So can your motives, so keep an eye on them.
Everything gets out eventually, with or without them. You may be asked to sign one sometime in your life. When you kindly decline they may just stare at you dumbfounded. They will tell you that ‘everyone is signing it’, and ‘it’s the standard’. Then you will look them in the eye and say, ‘well, I won’t’, and move on. Nothing will come of it. And if it does, be grateful you now know where you stand with them. Remember you’re freedom is worth more than any amount. Don’t buy into a muzzle.
Well, well, well, give in a bit and looks what comes back around to your favor. Be grateful. Embrace the solitude and quiet. Others may not have it this good. So when it comes around to you, enjoy it. The end will happen when it does. There is nothing you can do about but send it light. Move past the show, focus in, and relax.
Let the good in. To many times we second-guess the degrees of something. But that is in our head. Be grateful for being able to do your best. That’s all you can do right this moment. Everything is a learning experience and will progress if you're open to it. It’s ok to pass on whatever knowledge you acquire, because as you help others, they will help you and that will ripple out. In ways you can’t define or put a number on.
Sometimes you miss simple things others close to you can see. So let them see it. Don’t try to convince them if it makes sense. We are not in this alone. We are all connected to the same source. Our frames are different but what we experience is not. Accept the good advice coming from friends you trust and admire. For they want you to do well. If they don’t that may tell you something as well. Pay attention.
Respect the process. Little by little you will pick up pointers along the path. Tiny moments continue to stack until they swing your way. Keep moving forward and let the spirits shine. It’s never as hard or easy as it looks. So gaze to the sky and take a deep breath. Let it all shake out. Keep loose and trust your instincts.
They’re no shortcuts or free lunches. Ask yourself what are you doing this for? Remove the trepidation and the anxiety of getting somewhere down the road. It’s all false. All we have is what is right in front of us at this moment. Just put yourself in the arena and see what happens. Don’t worry about looking like a fool. It is never as good or bad as you think. For you don’t know all the answers. And you never will. That is part of the fun.
Get in alignment and get after it. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. Don’t worry what social media or TV is tempting you with. Ignore it and go after something you want. And trust you will find it. Good things will begin to happen around you. Take the hiccups in stride and keep your eye on the prize. You are now alive. And you have chosen to live.
You can construct your reality to however you want to frame it. With so many inputs at your disposal, you now have the ability to pick and choose. So do so. So what if it does not ‘fit’ with the norm, or the norm does not ‘fit’ with it. If your motives are both selfish and selfless you are on the right path. If your motives feel forced or pushed, pause, and ask yourself is this really what I want. Is it for the greater good? For sometimes we are following inputs not meant for us and don’t realize it.
Keep doing the work. Boil it down to the key components and focus in. Let the outside distractions be just that. Trust that the projects will pay off when ready, and keep a mindful detachment during the process. Anything you do or don’t do, will have unseen parameters that make themselves known. The important moments will appear for you to address. Do so and move on. Don’t get boxed in or lean to far into a future that has not been written yet.
These stones will shout. The false beliefs stay with you even though they don’t help. Step away from your body and mind reactions to readdress. Remember to be kind to yourself. The ebb and flow of life will happen. Accept it. You will always have blessings. They don’t ever run out, until they do. Then they will come again.
Self-compassion is essential. It’s the jumping off point to it all. If you set your intention to practice this, your life becomes more and more seamless. Others around you will benefit, because at this inflection you can contribute from a place of acceptance and peace. Without it you will be spinning your wheels, and solving problems for others validation. Which rings hollow. You are enough. Let go of the thoughts you aren’t. They don’t serve you or others.
After the planning and prep let it happen. Don’t try to change things if they don’t quite align to the original vision. That is the path they have to take. Don’t try to force it. Let it flow how it should flow. Just spread joy and gratitude. The hard work is over and the spirits can fly now. Others around you many have a different outlook to these events. Let them. They want to serve and play their part where they think it’s necessary. It’s not up to you to direct them. The framework will provide the result for you. And what will be, will be.
They are not coming to save you. The effort to push the path forward will happen in community thought that severs the old static power structure. All will rise to the challenge because it’s in them to do so. They will wake up and be heard, for that is what their mind and body are compelling them to do. So trust it. Nothing is ever found because it’s never been lost in the first place. We just reason it has been which leads us into a tailspin of delusion. Don’t fall into that. It’s not necessary.
Long live Julio. The OG junk yard dog. Quick to engage and emerge looking for scraps while drunken hooligans shouted at TV sets. He did not judge but only loved any and all who darkened his door. Sometimes residing in apartments, or tiny and large houses he was ever present. Quick to give props to anyone who gave him a pizza crust or a belly rub, he was our biggest fan. He welcomed us home from nights on the town and let us sleep off hangovers during the day. He never complained and was always up for the fight. Love live Julio. His reign was long and may he rest in peace.
Clarify the vision in your mind and then go after it with conviction and purpose. There is no need to crowd source it. Leave the second-guessing to the pundits and the peanut gallery. Let them talk all they want. You have moved on and started anew. Just focus in and be mindful. Don’t look back.
As in life, play the game within yourself. Do not over swing and let the natural path be your guide. Understand the angles and at the moment of impact have a quiet mind. Before and after trace your steps but when immersed in action think of nothing. Trust your tempo and preparation. As momentum builds, accelerate through and finish high and balanced. Stand tall and be counted. Speak clearly and let your intentions be known. Be grateful for the opportunity.
It’s always waiting for you, but it can work for you if you let it. Feel it approaching and then use the energy and redirect it. For it has to go somewhere so let it. Don’t get sucked into thinking this is about you. It isn’t. Storms come and go and this one will pass as well. In the meantime fortify and replenish. Don’t get caught up in the whirlwind. Trust calm waters are around the corner and they will be.
“I don’t know anything” “And that’s ok.” Pragmatic optimism. It is a philosophy that can do us some good in this time of data overflow, which seems to suffocate. Despite realizing most, if not all, outside expectations are meaningless as we continue to chase them in an effort to reconstitute and satisfy our inner ones. But you can never catch up, and that is ok. You don’t have to justify anything. It’s all around you already. Just do the work that inspires you and the rest will take care of itself.
Go ahead and create it, especially if it doesn’t hurt anyone. The act itself is enough. Leave the result out of it but complete it because it speaks to you. An audience of one, will branch out to many, because it has now left your head and taken a life all it’s own. It will teach you to fail and it will teach you to succeed. Then you will find that they are almost one in the same. It just depends on how you frame it.