
Daily thoughts and observations to :
Help. Incite. Purpose.  
City: a thing, event, or situation that is strongly characterized by a specified quintessential feature or quality



A superpower is at your disposal. It involves one mantra that you repeat in your mind. Whatever is going on around you, either painful or joyful, simply repeat the phrase I accept this moment. Over and over again. Do it for yourself. You will find that joy is heightened and pain lessened. Suffering is caused by fighting or wishing against the moment. When you accept the moment, the suffering will vanish. After you accept one moment, you will be on to the next one. You then realize you are free. Repeat as often as you can throughout the day, and you’ll begin to find everything will flow.


St. Pete

A life of worth lived. The effect you had on others carries on and on with them. You are eternal. Your deeds keep adding up, even if you didn’t recognize them yourself. Others do and others will. You simply did what needed to be done. You were useful, kind, and curious. Always quick to laugh and help. Good will and gratitude permeated outward without effort. Family and loyalty. Honor and legacy. Truth and integrity. You could feel it without defining it. Always and forever.



There is a time in your life you do what’s best for you. You tap into what you truly want and proceed with abandon. Too often we wait. But the opportunity is here and now. It’s yours for the taking. The anxiety comes from your indecision. As soon as you choose, you are on your way. The universe will bend toward your aims, but you are in charge of making the choice to move toward your goals. The how is not up to you. The trust and faith and action are.



The trauma, as little or large as it is, gets lodged in the body. You must address this to alleviate it. If you don’t, it will slowly build and build until it affects your mind. It will not come in the form of the past – that is done with – it will come in the form of an uncertain future. You will not be able to pinpoint the reason, but the anxiety will keep you stagnant. Remember, there is nothing wrong with you; the event is just something that happened. With awareness and physical exertion, you can remove its effects from your being. Then the mind can go back to creating and building. Heal the body and watch the mind take flight.



Why is it so hard to ask for help? Why do you think you are weak to do so? Because you think you’re not worth it? Because you are ashamed? Because that’s what you have been told by your mind? It’s nonsense, and you know that in your heart. Your mind thinks it can survive by itself, but it can’t. We are constructed to step up. We are designed to help. It’s how we have evolved. So not asking for help is counterproductive in two ways. The first, it hurts you because you need help, even if you say you don’t. The second, it hurts the person who could be growing by helping you. So, get out of your head and ask for help. Then ask again. It’s a win-win.

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